Good news/bad news...



I experienced my first loss today due to a fish jumping overboard. My black and white clown (single one...I have a pair also in another tank) jumped to his suicide. The worst part...I heard the little splash last night and chalked it up to someone getting feisty. This was my first jumper and oddly enough, in the most sealed of tanks - Eclipse with hood. I really am quite angry at myself for not getting up, regardless that it was in the middle of the night. It was a kind of tragic I don't wish to repeat having to pick up a dried out fish and flush him. I feel like a murderer. Lesson learned at a big expense. I loved him

Along with all bad news should be good news too... another tank has some new inhabitants as of a few days ago from actually. They are beautiful and I utterly love them. Very juvinelle still, and with this breed, that is a great thing.



Don't beat yourself up over it. I had a Diamond goby do great in QT. I moved him into the display after four weeks. He did awesome in there and had dug his tunnels. I found him when I came home after the cats had played with him on the floor. It wasn't a pretty sight. There was only two small openings at the back of the display. These things happen sometimes. You learn to prepare better for the next time. I am glad that your other new fish are doing well though!


I've had three do it. A firefish that literally landed 10ft across the room. Stepped on his little dried up carcass. Sealed up tank good except for smallest opening with hob skimmer and tomato clown jumped out. Sealed it even better and eel climbed out right in front of my wifes friends. After some screaming got him back in and he is still kicking around. It happens and good luck with your new buds.


One of the LFS I go to have a huge display tank. It had the biggest Mystery Wrasse I have ever seen. He was easily twice the length and depth of my Mystery Wrasee. The LFS had him for over 10 years. The other day I went in the store but could not find him. He is SO BIG he is hard to miss. The Lfs told me that after 10 years, that fish committed suicide by jumping! Go figure.


Wow, tragic
What do you think makes them jump? Distress from something? Being picked on? Ugggh, I never want to experience that again, that's for sure.
Not all great news anymore, one of my clowns died today and the other is right behind it - looks like Brookynella ... not having a great day :(


Originally Posted by marineang
Wow, tragic
What do you think makes them jump? Distress from something? Being picked on? Ugggh, I never want to experience that again, that's for sure.
Not all great news anymore, one of my clowns died today and the other is right behind it - looks like Brookynella ... not having a great day :(
My goby was in a 55 with just the hawk in my avatar. He was not picked on or bothered at all. I didn't understand it either. He just jumped. It happens sometimes.