Good news everyone


so after a 2 weeks working at my LFS my boss has offered selling me this metal Halide system at cost price :jumping:
Its and Arcadia 3 series running 2 250W MH and 2 30W fluro tubes. (its goin to go over my 75 gallon 4 foot tank)
its such a good buy that i can't say no, retail is $2200 and will now be around the $1200 mark (was already lookin at buy a setup just didnt want to go over $1500).
just wanted to know if anyone has had any experience with this light system or maunfacture and was it good or bad.
Buy the way the MH bulbs are 14,000K, is this the best for viewing or am i better with 10,000K. are the arcadia bulbs any good or will i need to replaces them sooner rather than later. it is a german brand so im confident that it will be an excellent purchase, just wanted to see if anyone knows more about them.
**pic didnt work so i'll add the address, hope that will be ok as SWF dont sell lighting :)


Active Member
I'm sure you think your Boss is a "nice Guy" and everything, but I'd shop around a bit if I were you...
I can walk in down the street here and get a "comperable" unit for under $800 ...:yes:
If those are "mogul" lights your talking about (single ended) I can do better than that and get it "shipped" to you for ~$800...
With 2X96 PC supplement And 3 LED moonlights...
I'm sure you could find the same deal if you checked around a little "on-line"....


Active Member
OK, I looked it over again..Those are DE HQI MHs so thats a good thing,
But the "supplement" is a little weak with NO bulbs...
I'd still check around ...:yes:


Staff member
Oh, that is great news.....I keep playing with adding MHs to my system. If I only knew how to build retros! Alas, I am lucky that I know how to screw in the lamps.
Enjoy the new lighting!


To build that exact set-up from parts would cost about 200-300$
1200 is absurd, and I won't even comment on the retail price.



Originally posted by TimO
To build that exact set-up from parts would cost about 200-300$
1200 is absurd, and I won't even comment on the retail price.

yep thats what i was thinking save some money do it yourself or find a handyman in the family to help ya.


Active Member
"To build that exact set-up from parts would cost about 200-300$
1200 is absurd, and I won't even comment on the retail price."
Lol.. that's exactly what I was thinking, but it's been too long since I posted to say something like that. I was afraid maybe I missed a major news story where all the MH ballast manufactures blew up or something...


i understand that u guys can make it 4 a lot less, but i work at bunnings which is Australias version of home depo or watever and even with staff disocunt it would till cost around $800 dollars for all the equipment plus and extra 200-300 for a decent hood and thats building it myself. I also prefer the look of the pendent system plus i get a warrenty and i know that it is a proven high quality system.
this is in Aussie dollars and i have searched around and so far have found nothing that has the same output and quality for this price.
I know they are only NO fluros but we cannot get VHO fluros here in South Australia, so that is not a problem.
we run a triple 250W system on our main display tank at my other job at the LFS and it is a fantastic unit so i know i wont be disapointed.
If i wasn't getting it at cost price i would not be buying it as they retail at $2200
but thanks 4 all the imput.:)
BTW which are better bulbs 10,000K or 14,000K??? i will be running two actinc (sp) fluros


Active Member
Ahhh... I need to learn to look at the poster's profile more. I just assumed we were talking US $.
Dang Aussies... get your own $ symbol


That is our $ sign note the single line through the S, u Americans have two, lol, i'll have to use AUD after it. cheers guys :happyfish


New Member
Hey Aidos, im from Sydney and im curious whether you have problems with the differences in recommended equipment from your LFS and the the ones recommended on here. Do you manage to find the same equipment used on here or just make do with what we have. I use bioballs for my 75g because i was told it was the best. I think my LFS is just a bit behind in the technology becasue they havent even heard of a sump/refuge.
Im getting a custom made tank built fairly soon and im wondering whether to keep with the standard Australian style of bioballs and skimmer, or try for a sump/refuge. :notsure:
Also how much does a cleaner shrimp set you back? Here they are $150 (AUD) in any shop that your lucky enough to find one while a pair of coral banded shrimp are $50 and are seen everywhere.


Switch.... we are behind in ideas and methods compared to the USA, but all the materials are still available to us....aside from Live Sand or aragonite sand. U may find aragonite sand through landscapers but i couldn't here in SA.
a sump/refuge is better than Bio Balls, especially if u want a good population of pods ect. i would say they have heard of a sump but they want to sell u what they have. We are still selling the bio ball/trickle filiter setup at work, which we build ourselfs but we are look at designing and building our own sump to sell at work.
if i were u, i would go with the sump and just have ur skimmer, heater ect in the sump, it also allows u to have a deep sand bed if u dont wont one in the display.
Cleaner shrimps here are around $180 each and Coral Banned Shrimp pairs are usually around $80-100 but have seen them for $130. i would expect that we are more expensive than the east coast.
anyway if ya wanna chat more my email is even use MSN messenger if there is anything else u wanna know.
good luck :happyfish


Active Member

Originally posted by Aidos
Cleaner shrimps here are around $180 each and Coral Banned Shrimp pairs are usually around $80-100 but have seen them for $130....

$180 for a Shrmp !!!! :scared:
Suddenly $1200 for a light set doesn't sound so bad...:D
Gotta be "some difference" in the exchange rate....:yes: