Good news in Iraq


Active Member
I'm getting tired of all this political crap so I figured we might as well start sharing some stories or news reports on some good things coming from Iraq.
I'll start, our death toll is down to around 100 instead of 120 deaths per month.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm getting tired of all this political crap so I figured we might as well start sharing some stories or news reports on some good things coming from Iraq.
I'll start, our death toll is down to around 100 instead of 120 deaths per month.
i hope youre being sarchastic!!! IMO any loss of life for this "war" is unacceptable... i support our troops but DO NOT agree with the bureaucrats running it...
until we are outta there there really isnt any good news...


I DONT WANT TO START A DEBATE but this just gets me. When WE got attacked on 911 mostly everybody wanted to give pay back. Now every body says its bushes fault for going to war. And if bush didnt to to war ppl would say that bin laden just bullied the US. GO BUSH BRING THIS THING TO A GOOD END. PUNISH BIN LADEN FOR 911.
Anyway i heard that Iraq won some soccer championship that sould unite the ppl.


ya they won the asian cup
very good the teams made up Kurds and other minorities
Good thing they all are happy on 1 thing for once


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
I DONT WANT TO START A DEBATE but this just gets me. When WE got attacked on 911 mostly everybody wanted to give pay back. Now every body says its bushes fault for going to war. And if bush didnt to to war ppl would say that bin laden just bullied the US. GO BUSH BRING THIS THING TO A GOOD END. PUNISH BIN LADEN FOR 911.
You can't be serious here, can you? I would hope that you know that Bin Laden had no ties whatsoever to Iraq. He was located in the border mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan and is personally of Saudi descent. Do you think that just because he is middle eastern that Bush should have just blindly started invading various nations in the middle east?


I also heard that when they won everybody was shooting guns in the air and like some people died from falling bullets, pretty stupid if you ask me and soccer sucks anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i hope youre being sarchastic!!! IMO any loss of life for this "war" is unacceptable... i support our troops but DO NOT agree with the bureaucrats running it...
until we are outta there there really isnt any good news...
Hey I don't support this war, nobody should support war, but if 20 more boys come home, then dang that's 20 more then last month. There is no war except nuclear where our soldiers won't get shot. If we pull out, it'd be pointless. We got to stick in there and punch, but we also need to find out what victory is going to be for us


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
You can't be serious here, can you? I would hope that you know that Bin Laden had no ties whatsoever to Iraq. He was located in the border mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan and is personally of Saudi descent. Do you think that just because he is middle eastern that Bush should have just blindly started invading various nations in the middle east?
So how can you be exactly sure? Do you really believe all that you hear? You seem so sure of some "facts" but not of others. Do you believe the entire free world ( France and Germany don't count) was in approval of going into Iraq? Or was it all a hoax perpetrated by a "stupid" man?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
So how can you be exactly sure? Do you really believe all that you hear? You seem so sure of some "facts" but not of others. Do you believe the entire free world ( France and Germany don't count) was in approval of going into Iraq? Or was it all a hoax perpetrated by a "stupid" man?
France and Germany don't count!


Active Member
I really didn't intend to get back into a war debate but I just can't resist...
Isn't is sad that the best justification anyone has for this war is that we shouldn't cut and run because that would empower the terrorists? We are now fighting a war against Al Queda, and a host of other arab nations united against us. This war has become something far different from what Bush intended to get involved in.
So, what does it mean for us to win? The idealists believe that we will eliminate terrorism from the planet and create a democratic utopia out of Iraq. However, I think the reality is that terrorism will always exist, and that this war will exacerbate the amount of terrorists as well as their targeting of the US. I also think that the ideal of a peaceful Iraq is unrealistic. This nation has been at war, off and on, for over a century. There will still be Sunnis and Shiites battling, as well as Catholics and Muslims.
Everyone will see, whether it's sooner or later, that there is no achievable victory in this war. At some point we'll leave and none of the ideals will have been attained... mark my words.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm getting tired of all this political crap so I figured we might as well start sharing some stories or news reports on some good things coming from Iraq.
I'll start, our death toll is down to around 100 instead of 120 deaths per month.
Lol, that is the best thing you could find out of Iraq? I am sorry, but 100 deaths a month is not a good thing...if it went from 120 to 0 then it'd be a good thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I really didn't intend to get back into a war debate but I just can't resist...
Isn't is sad that the best justification anyone has for this war is that we shouldn't cut and run because that would empower the terrorists? We are now fighting a war against Al Queda, and a host of other arab nations united against us. This war has become something far different from what Bush intended to get involved in.
So, what does it mean for us to win? The idealists believe that we will eliminate terrorism from the planet and create a democratic utopia out of Iraq. However, I think the reality is that terrorism will always exist, and that this war will exacerbate the amount of terrorists as well as their targeting of the US. I also think that the ideal of a peaceful Iraq is unrealistic. This nation has been at war, off and on, for over a century. There will still be Sunnis and Shiites battling, as well as Catholics and Muslims.
Everyone will see, whether it's sooner or later, that there is no achievable victory in this war. At some point we'll leave and none of the ideals will have been attained... mark my words.
Agreed, when a nation is not able to fight a traditional war against a super power the only logical alternative is to engage in terrorism. The IRA showed how effective it can be against the Brits and we in turn taught that style of fighting to the Arabs to aid us against the USSR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I really didn't intend to get back into a war debate but I just can't resist...
Isn't is sad that the best justification anyone has for this war is that we shouldn't cut and run because that would empower the terrorists? We are now fighting a war against Al Queda, and a host of other arab nations united against us. This war has become something far different from what Bush intended to get involved in.
So, what does it mean for us to win? The idealists believe that we will eliminate terrorism from the planet and create a democratic utopia out of Iraq. However, I think the reality is that terrorism will always exist, and that this war will exacerbate the amount of terrorists as well as their targeting of the US. I also think that the ideal of a peaceful Iraq is unrealistic. This nation has been at war, off and on, for over a century. There will still be Sunnis and Shiites battling, as well as Catholics and Muslims.
Everyone will see, whether it's sooner or later, that there is no achievable victory in this war. At some point we'll leave and none of the ideals will have been attained... mark my words.
Tell me something Mr Clinton. Is it best to just SAY that they are bad people. Let them continually do the wrong thing, go unpunished. If we could just try harder to be their friends they will leave us alone.
Youch. No wonder kids seem so much worse these days. No accountability.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Tell me something Mr Clinton. Is it best to just SAY that they are bad people. Let them continually do the wrong thing, go unpunished. If we could just try harder to be their friends they will leave us alone.
Youch. No wonder kids seem so much worse these days. No accountability.
Tell me something... if we are really going after the "bad people" then why aren't the bulk of our troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan? And how come there is no war in Saudi Arabia, (the world's largest arab terrorist producer)? And there is also no war in Iran, who obviously was much closer to making nukes than Iraq. We did not go after those who harmed US by going to war in Iraq. Why is that?


Active Member
ruaround said:
i hope youre being sarchastic!!! IMO any loss of life for this "war" is unacceptable... i support our troops but DO NOT agree with the bureaucrats running it...
until we are outta there there really isnt any good news...[/QUOTEnth ]
I agree!!! If there is more than one death a month, it is too much.


Active Member
ruaround said:
i hope youre being sarchastic!!! IMO any loss of life for this "war" is unacceptable... i support our troops but DO NOT agree with the bureaucrats running it...
until we are outta there there really isnt any good news...[/QUOTEnth ]
I agree!!! If there is more than one death a month, it is too much.


Active Member
You guys are right. No death is acceptable, that is exactly why we went after Al Quida, though we may have not sent enough after Al Quida and too many to Iraq. Somebody delete, before I start debating