good news!!!(with a catch)


well i got some good news today and some bad news. if i get streight A's in school this year they are gonna bye me a 120 gallon setup(spared no expense) with sump, mh's top'o'the'line everything. but i have never gotten that good of grades before in my life. i'm not sure i can do it. i will try my hardest tho.


Active Member
Anything is possible with the right motivation. Put a picture of your dream tank above your desk and use it as areminder. Good luck!
And you'd be surpirsed how far a little effort can go!


120 Gallon with everything will (top of the line) will be about $3,000. Why don't you bribe your teachers with $500 per "A" in the classes that you are not getting an "A" in. You will be way ahead-Welcome to the school of business!!!!!!!!!!!


cuz i dont have 2500 dollars it would cost almost as much to bribe than the tank is worth. good idea tho. i have 1 A right now. what was that site that did those beautiful custom tanks. some1 posted and said if they won the lottary thats what they would invest it in.


ALL I ASKED THE TEACHERS WAS..................just exacly what do i have to do to pass this class?


Active Member
well i got some good news today and some bad news
where's the bad news ?
If you "think" you can't ... then you probably won't.
Just because you haven't in the past .. doesn't mean you won't in the future.
Start thinking of yourself as a straight A student now and go bust your arse studying.
Think of it ...... a brand new kick butt 125 reef tank with HALIDES !!!!


If my parents made that bet with me they would laugh all the way to work (not a chance). I know, I saw them laughing when I passed them while I was riding the short bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!