This little guy came in on a coral I bought yesterday. Wanted to share and see if anyone knows what he is and if he's a good or back "Hitchhiker"? I'm thinking Nudibranch of some sort
Get it out of your's an Aeolid nudie, which is an obligate coralivore. You should also look for egg masses and remove them as well.
Take a look at this pictorial hitchiker guide, and scroll down to Nudibranch - Predatory #2 Zoa-eating Nudi, Aeolid. There's a photo showing its egg mass, which will be on the stems of your Zoanthids. Be sure to click on the READ MORE link there as there is more info regarding this critter.
Also been wondering what these little guys are too. Some sort of soft coral maybe? There are a few of them on a rock that I got with 3 rose bubble anemone. I thought maybe baby anemone but probably not with my luck.
Thanks Spanko. There is still one small bubble on top of this rock and the other 2 have moved to different locations in my tank.......So are these Pseudocorynactis good or bad?