good or bad - hitchhiker snail?


Active Member
So I woke up to find a hitchhiker unknown snail latched onto another one of my snails. The snail he was latched onto was alive. Here's a really blurry pic, sorry:


Active Member
and i know we've had this discussion before concerning this snail, but no one ever decided if he was good or not.
So if this an evil snail or not? should he stay or go?
Thanks a lot guys.

bang guy

He eats snails, mussels & Clams. They also eat carrion which can be a good thing in certain situations.


those whelks just about killed every snail i had in my tank before i got them all out. i had about 10-12 of them in there! i guess they could sense when i put a snail in there because they would come out of the rock and attack the new snails... it looked like something out of a twilight zone movie... really weird....


Active Member
hmm....maybe i should feed him to my brackish puffer, he loves gnawing on FW snails.


Active Member

Originally posted by MorayM
hmm....maybe i should feed him to my brackish puffer, he loves gnawing on FW snails.
