Good or Bad Idea for water change?


I did my first water change a few weeks ago and was wondering if i did it stupidly or not .
I used a empty 5 gallon bucket and started a syphon taking out water from the bottom of the tank. I let that run for a little bit then with a heater in my new salt water i started another syphon on the other side of the tank, with both syphons i used 1/4" tubing.
Now should i continue to do it this way or should i try something else.. i was worried about shocking my fish and inverts to much so i come up with this method that took about a hour and a half. Am i taking to much of my new water out when i do this method or as long as i do a bigger change is it ok.
Any suggestions welcomed..

who dey

Active Member
if your only changing 5 gal@ a time in a 75 gal your not gonna stress out your fish. no need to add and subtract - the same time. you doing these 5 gal changes weekly?


well i did about 10gallons. Sorry i didnt state that i just filled up another bucket and then started on my other 5 gal container of salt water. I was planning on doing these about every 3 weeks or so.

who dey

Active Member
up it to 20gal every 3 weeks or 5 gal every week. using ro/di right??? there have been alot of tap water issues around the board lately:notsure:


how much should i be changing weeekly if its a 55 gal and about how much does it cost on a regular basis?

who dey

Active Member
i change 5 gallon's each week on my 55. the water didn't cost me a thing but my $200 ro/di unit. if your buying ro/di go to walmart its betweed .38 and .50/gallon. jugs are a pain in the ass though. i would fork out the 200 and buy a unit IMO