Good or bad Starfish? crawled out from new LR


Active Member
This one decided to come out tonight and say hello. Can anyone tell me if its a good or bad star? My tank is only 4 days old. Thanks

And this one came out yesterday, but only has 5 legs. Someone said it might be an Asterina, but i heard there is good/bad ones. This one had a blue tint to it. Any help is appreciated!


Active Member
Well it is not a serpent star so I would pull it, just because most other stars are not best kept in reefs…
And I agree it is most likely a harmless Asterina, but I would still pull it...


Active Member
They both look like asterinas to me, I think most are reef safe just keep an eye on it.

I have bluish and greyish ones, is the first one quite yellow?


Active Member
Good pics!
I still think it looks like an asterina, I have lots of them (the blueish ones) and no one is eating my corals, there are lots of types of asterina and most are ok.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keri
Good pics!
I still think it looks like an asterina, I have lots of them and no one is eating my corals, there are lots of types of asterina and most are ok.
thanks Keri, i wont be getting Corals until the new year so I guess he can stay for now. Yeah I hear random good/bad things about asterina, i'll just have to keep an eye on them. Thanks for your input, i really appreciate it.


Hey I have lots and lots of those stars...some have 3 legs, some have 7...some are 1mm, and the biggest is maybe 3/4"....How big will they get??? And you say they are ok?
Can I put some in my fowlr??


Active Member
Meow, they stay about that size. Yes, you can put them in with FOWLR. There have been reports that they may munch on coral in some circumstances, or that there is a separate indistinguishable (to us) species that prefers corals. I've never have this happen and I have them in all my tanks for years.


Thanks, I have sooo many in my tank that has the seahorses, so I figured if they are good, why not add them to my 225g tank.


Active Member
Yeah I think they are pretty cool. They come and go so its a nice surprise to see them come out when youre not expecting it. I dont have corals yet so I dont know how they will be around them but for now they are cool.


Active Member
no problem. and fyi, they are ***mostly*** beneficial. there ARE some asterinas that will eat coralline (i have them) and some that eat corals (i have zoo eaters, and i've seen them suck the life out of SPS). just keep an eye on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
no problem. and fyi, they are ***mostly*** beneficial. there ARE some asterinas that will eat coralline (i have them) and some that eat corals (i have zoo eaters, and i've seen them suck the life out of SPS). just keep an eye on them.

Most harmless, keep an eye out - but most people with LR have them and don't have issues.
I'm trying to be back