Good Parasites?? :/

violet puff

New Member
Hey everybody, so last night I noticed what at first apeared to be airbubbles on the tank glass in one spot. Normal, but then as I took a closer look, they were movin' around, what appeared to then be little aphid-type bugs! Then, this morning, the problem has gotten worse and they seem to be across the whole front of the tank. So far, nothing's on the fish (I have hermits, snails, 2 chromis, 1 Kole Tang, and one Porcupine puffer in a bed of live gravel with 90lbs of live rock in a 75 gallon, with a protien skimmer good for up to 125 gallons) I'm super worried, the only thing I can think thats different is that I introduced the Puffer on Sunday (two days ago) the others have been in a few weeks. feeding them mysis, krill, and marine alge seaweed. Sorry for the detail but i'm hoping someones seen this before or its something simple that can be treated. They look like little parasites!! :( Nitrite is 0.10 pH is 7.9 and Nitrate is at 2.0. Thank-you! ~Katy


Staff member
Originally Posted by renogaw
they are most likely baby pods.
Agree with this, not a fish disease.


Diseases are seen on fish, not on glass. I agree that it is most likely copepods, which are a good thing.