good price for colors?????????

one polyp....3 inches big ( Insane Rainbow Ricordea Yuma)i tried calling but they are closed for the night, but he has everything under heliae (spelling) lights...
iam driving down tomarrow to look at it... i was just wondering if anyone ever had one like this and if they like it, and if they thought it was worth $100.... ill take pics tomarrow....


Active Member
I've got a decent amount, but not that color. Rics are awesome, and easy to frag! The color is AWESOME! Yeah, it's pricey. What part of this hobby isn't?


Active Member
Got this one last night at the LFS here. He was selling for $40. There is the large one and a smaller one to the left on the bottom. I think I got the best of the deal. He did have another for the same price though.
Originally Posted by spanko
Got this one last night at the LFS here. He was selling for $40. There is the large one and a smaller one to the left on the bottom. I think I got the best of the deal. He did have another for the same price though.

That is very pretty. I like how you have the different colors mixed in!


Finding a ric like that is one ina million unless youhave a friend who propogates or raises them. If you want it buy it, its just money, and you wont find like that for much cheaper if at all. Dont forget it will probably change colors on ya unless you have comparable lights and can place it accordingly. Post some more pics when youcan.


Now that we are in the topic of colors and pricing. here are my rics.

I bought 4 polyps originally at 10$ a pop. But this is like a year ago and they've all multiplied. Think its a good price/common color?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
do you guys think it is a good deal............ $102
its at a lfs....
just want to know peoples thoughts...
IMO if you like it that much its worth it. I see people selling eagle eye zoas at 4$ a polyp like they are rare or hard to grow, I sell/trade them for a dollar a polyp when I sell/trade them. but people pay what its worth to them.
that ric is definatly not a common variety, if I had the cash on hand knowing how hardy rics are I would buy it and eventully frag and trade the value back or sell enough frags to get the value back. I would go for it.
i didnt get a chance to go down today.... hopfully it still there tomorrow....
i have 4-54" t-5 lights, it should be fine under that lighting right??????????
also to you think a clam would be okay in my tank..??? its very bright and i have a spot up on the top of my reef that he would fit perfect in...??????


Rics would be fine i think, but a clam No! Interesting i don't have a pic of my rics! For shame for shame! GOnna have to fix that!