Good saltwater books

class clown

Any good sw books out there? Seems like every book I check out has outdated info like UG filters and crushed coral and nothing on current methods like DSBs, garlic, or even live rock. Beth recommended Robert Fenner's, "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist" on another post. I'm going to check it out. Anything else worth reading?


Eric Bornemans "Aquarium Corals, selection, husbandry, history" is a must read. Also Julian Sprung "Invertebrates, a quick reference guide"
I'd be lost with out these two.
PS: Use lots of post-it notes!


I recently finished reading Fenners book cover to cover. A bit outdated (airstones?!?) but generally the principals were very good (IMO) - good read!


Active Member
I have found 'The Marine Aquarium' by Nick Darkin very good, altho I am not an experienced marine fishkeeper, maybe a bit simplistic for you guys, but it has stood me in good stead over here in England :D


Active Member
The modern coral reef aquarium series by fossa and nilsen are my "bible". all four volumes are great stuff, but a bit on the technical side, but im into that sorta thing so who knows!
good luck


Active Member
oh i try to as best as possible but havent been on the boards lately cause im working double time to pay for my new tank/stand/lights, etc!


I am reading Natural Reef Aquariums by John H. Tullock. Very good book...has lots of pics lots of info on reef life and how to keep your critters thriving. What makes it better than a lot of the books out there is very modern, and up to date on new technologies and improved methods. I give it two feather dusters up!!


I have fenners book, but a huge source of info comes from this board. I do a lot of searches, and read every post in every forum almost daily. It is a big help.

nm reef

Active Member
1) "Corals: A Quick Reference Guide" by Julian Sprung
2) "Natural Reef Aquariums" by John Tullock
3) "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner
4) "The Reef Aquarium Vols. 1 & 2" by Charles Delbeek & Julian Sprung
5) "Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History" by Eric Borneman
I keep the list above posted on the bulliten board next to my computor as gift ideas for my wife and kids...obviously they don't read it ...because I only own one of the listed books. local libarary has got 3 of them on hand for reference when needed.
By the way my birthday is in July...;)