Good Sand Cleaners


Active Member
I need to keep my sand white. What are some good sand cleaners for a 46 gallon? Right now i have blue leg hermits, astreas, turbo snail, emerald crab, nassarius snails. I need some good things to keep the sand nice and clean of poop and algae.


Active Member
Regular water changes, a protein skimmer and good water flow in a tank should rid the tank of most contaminates given you have a big enough clean up crew. Sand Sifting Stars could be an option...although I'm pretty sure you need a DSB with fine sand to keep them.


Active Member
I do 10% weekly changes. I have a protein skimmer. Good flow. I dont have a DSB though. Sea cucumbers are toxic. No thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by airforceb2
Sea cucumbers are toxic to what? They also require a DSB as well.
If they are stressed or die they can release toxins into the water.


Active Member
Please guys, don't repeat the sea cucumber myth. Yes, they are toxic, but the ones you utilize as sand bed cleaners are no more toxic than a dead coral. It is the filter feeding sea cucumbers that are highly toxic and prone to evicerate if threatened.
I personally have an 8 inch detrivore sea cucumber in my tank and my sand is sparkling white. As to the rumor that they are like some toxic little time bombs... I have hermit crabs crawling all over him.... I've had an anemone attach to him... I've even pried him off of a rock before by hand (very dumb move) and he never once evicerated.
Remember, brightly-colored and filter feeding tentacles = bad cucumber
drab-colored with no filter feeding tentacles = detrivore (good) cucumber
Don't give these guys a bad rap. They are awsome lil critters with tremendous cleaning abilities and a very peaceful, nontoxic nature :)
ps- I have a 3 inch sandbed and the cuke is healthy as a horse.


Active Member
Thanks for clearing that up mud. Im going to consider a cucumber now. I just have a newly setup tank and im starting to get attached to my clowns and i dont wanna hurt them. :) Any suggestions on which species to get?


Diamond Goby on right (you can see his head)
Place secure cover on tank, DG are jumpers!!! but also Excellent for sifting sand !


Is it possible to use one of those gravel cleaners with sand during regular water changes without siphoning out all of one's substrate?? :confused:


Originally Posted by jr1053
Is it possible to use one of those gravel cleaners with sand during regular water changes without siphoning out all of one's substrate?? :confused:
It is possible, I siphoned my sand on every water change and I have oolitic sand bed. You'll pic up a little sand but the majority stays on the bottom. The problem is that you may also siphon small critters that live IN the sand bed. I had the same problem with my sand bed, added a cucember last week and its amazing what it's done in just a few days time... cucumbers are the way to go.


Staff member
Originally Posted by jr1053
Is it possible to use one of those gravel cleaners with sand during regular water changes without siphoning out all of one's substrate?? :confused:
Sorry, definately don't use this. Your sandbed needs to be left alone except for movement by appropriate sand critters.
And, IMHO, a sand dwelling goby is harmful to the sandbed, as are sand sifting stars, and some wrasses that bury themselves in sand.
The nassarius that you have are excellent for sandbeds. However, the hermits may prey on snails. If you can find another home for these, you may want to consider that.


Active Member
Any advice on what tank cleaners to get for a 75 gallon tank that has a lionfish, 2 triggers, yellow tang, and queen angel. (please don't tell me that too many fish for a 75 gallon, I know they are all going to outgrow it soon, but im prepared for that) Any thing I put in there something eats. Crabs, snails - triggers eat. Starfish - angel picks at.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
brightly-colored and filter feeding tentacles = bad cucumber
drab-colored with no filter feeding tentacles = detrivore (good) cucumber
Sorry to be so stupid here, but do know where I can see the difference in these side by side???


Active Member
Yes, go to the invert section of this website and compare the yellow cucumer and the black cucumber. The black cucumber is the detrivore type that will clean your sandbed.