good sandsifting fish?


Active Member
I have a 55 gallon and I am looking for a good sandsifting fish. I have heard that the golden headed sleeper goby makes a huge mess throwing sand everywhere. Does anyone have experience they can share? And what about the Diamond Goby, do they make the same amount of mess? Thanks guys/gals!


I have a sleeper banded bullet in my 225G....MESS is his middle name...BUT he is a great sand cleaner
I have a Longfin Sleeper goby in the machine NO MESS


Active Member
Hi meowzer and Jess, I am new to this, I have a glold head goby, seems to do a good job, neat watching him, he is becoming good friends with the new cleaner shrimp. Really new what is "LOL" must be a Canadian thing that I don't know, eh!


Canadian....LOl...I'm in OKLAHOMA...
LOL...=laugh out loud or lots of laughs (my kids teased me on that one)


I have a gold head sleeper goby in my 55 and my other fish love it! I have doubled the amount i feed on a normal basis just to try to keep this thing from starving to death. I have a refugium but it was clearly not enough. He is finally starting to feed out of the water column after 3 months but it has been a struggle. I love this fish but be forewarned.


Active Member
Mine seems to eat alot of the mysis shrimp, should I be feeding him something elae. The LFS said i was lucky he was eating the mysis.


If he is eating the mysis then he is propably doing well. Mine has begun to eat mysis but is very shy at feeding time. I am target feeding with a turkey baster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by davmul
I have a gold head sleeper goby in my 55 and my other fish love it! I have doubled the amount i feed on a normal basis just to try to keep this thing from starving to death. I have a refugium but it was clearly not enough. He is finally starting to feed out of the water column after 3 months but it has been a struggle. I love this fish but be forewarned.
I love the look of that fish, I just don't want to deal with the mess all over the place.
Originally Posted by DragonZim

Diamond Goby is a great sandsifter as well. They are jumpers though so they arent good on open top tanks.
I was actually looking at this fish. I will have to make a top though since I have an open top. Thanks guys/girls. :)


Active Member
Thanks davmul, mine comes out alot he hangs out with the osc. clowns and is becoming very fond of a new cleaner shrimp I bought. Fun little guy.