Good Saturday mornin'...

nm reef

Active Member
...nothing new to report and/or discuss in regard to my reef...but I did wanna say howdy to my reefkeeper friends. Normally I'd toss out a few new pics but thats on hold since I won't be doing any pic takin' for a few days. I had a joint replacement surgery on Friday and it'll be rather difficult to get around for a while. But on this fine Saturday morning you can help me out by posting eye-candy of your own to soothe my pain and cheer me who has eye-candy for a "in pain" surgery patient?
I do have this decent shot of my recently aquiried moon type brain to share just to get things rolling....

nm reef

Active Member
...and a rather crappy look at my flame angel. This guy is very difficult to get a pic of...he just won't stay still. I've tried numerous times and to date this is the best I've come up with.

nm reef

Active Member
So if ya'all don't mind attach some of your favorite eye-candy to occupy my mind while I suffer thru the day on pain and medication...:)


Here is another shot I was proud of....taking photos is almost as much fun as having the aquarium itself!:happyfish


Heres the best picture I have without a flash, Sorry.
My Flame And Royal Gramma, When i was changing my CC to LS i took out all of my LR and caught my fish, I couldn't find my royal gramma and i assumed he was stuck in a rock. He surived the time out of the tank somehow, and is even more my pride and joy now that he still survived.

nm reef

Active Member
flipper263...both of those pics are great.I absolutely agree with your picture taking comments. A large part of my enjoyment of reefkeeping is taking/sharing/viewing pics. For me digital photography and reefkeeping are companion hobbys. They've sort of grown together for me.

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks'll take some time to get back to normal...but I'm thinkin' it'll be worth it in the long run.
Tizzo...great pics...thanks for contributing!


:cheer: :cheer: :jumping: :jumping:
Get well soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
LOL...thanks for the "get well soon" tizzo.
...and eg-hatch....thats some interesting looking zoos...below is a pic of my favorite zoos...they don't look like most other zoos I've run across...very small and very tightly packed...but they have already started to grow on the surrounding sand and a small patch has migrated a little ways away.