good Saturday mornin'...


Active Member
puffer, I dont know the spcs. name but its been called colt, finger leather, kenya tree. Hope some one can give you the spcs. name. Most of mine does very well low in my tank but I have MHs. It grows slower and not as tall if I have it up high.


Hey guys, sorry I don't have many pics but my house was robbed this week, they took my camera along with abot 12k worth of electronics.
Anyways, here's a new table top acro.

nm reef

Active Member
greg....that is some terrible news. Any suspects?
Nothing in life is worse than a thief...or a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!

the claw

Active Member
Any insurance?
I can't post a current picture it would gross most of you out, but here is an old one, just for memory sakes.


Sorry to hear that greg.
Hears a couple picks, I change my rock scape aroung to allow for more corals



Thanks guys, it does suck and I didn't have insurance right now. He got in through the sliding glass door. Oh well, it's life. It's kind of like how a food chain works I guess and the people that do this are at the bottom.
Here's some pics from this month to add for color.



MY BRAND SPANKIN' NEW NASO TANG...she has been in the tank just overnight for the first time in my main tank and she is adapting almost too well!! My maroons are soo curious but she was I have to admit, being a little pesty last night about checking out their "private" cave..hehe....she is very social with them and the maroons this morning have actually come out to be near her and have shown no aggression so hopefully this is a match made in heaven, will get more pics today as she is more relaxed and enjoying life in the big tank!


Active Member
Great pics, no color here yet, just a kenya tree, but heres my tank in case you haven't seen pics of it on another board ohio, LOVELY tang as I said before. Does everyone have paypal? we can help out..........



thanks, glad you like the tang....she seems to be doing well, I posted some pics of her from today in another thread if you want to that recessed tank...all I want is a bigger tank now...hoping someone near here will eventually have one up for sale complete....yes I have paypal....1.00 from all is the deal? let me know.


Active Member
I am willing to go with the 1.00, won't work unless we get more people to do it also, who's in?
BTW ohio, I have been looking at pics of your newest baby, she should be fine for abit in your 90. Just got our 75 done and I am thinking bigger already. Not sure i should tell hubby he will eventually have to make the hole in the wall bigger, but its bound to happen LOL!


i think the best way to do it is to start a new thread so more people will do it. im sure everyone can spare a buck.


is there anyway we can get one thread on all the boards?(reef,diy,nano...) or do we have to write a couple of them??