Good schooling fish - recommendations?


i am restocking a 120 g FOWLR tank. Currently have just a brown powder tang and six line wrasse. Would like a colorful schooling fish that would do well in a group of 3-4. Recommendations would be most welcome.


Active Member
1.) blue green chromis
2.) engineer gobies
3.) anthias (group of 8+)
4.) small yellow tang (group of 3+)
5.) schooling clownfish (group of 15+, very hard to find and very expensive)
these are all the schooling fish i know. when i get my 180gal set up im going to have a group of three yellow tangs and a group of 8+ blue green chromis. cant wait!


i'd love to get the YT but my brown tang wont let me. i put one in recently and he harrassed it so much i had to return it to the LFS for a credit. maybe if i get three it will think twice before attacking, but i am not so sure.
what about hechionus? anyone have a school of these?


Originally Posted by LAZARUS
i am restocking a 120 g FOWLR tank. Currently have just a brown powder tang and six line wrasse. Would like a colorful schooling fish that would do well in a group of 3-4. Recommendations would be most welcome.
HENIOCHUS Butterfly - Excellent schooling fish.


i have tried alot of differnt fish in my 125
green cromis kill each other as will any other damsle,
clown fish will one day fight, be it one or two years down the road.
I have 6 fire fish now and they seem to be doing well, way better then greens by far.
you may want to try blue-eyed cardnals but i have not gotten any.
good luck
i love this hobby


i dont see a "blue eyed cardinal" listed on this site. do they go by another name? any other ideas on good schooling fish. i have had cardinals before, they are cute when juvenile but grow up to look raggedy (to me anyway). firefish are great but as jumpers i risk losing them (cannot put a lid on my tank or temp will rise too much). other ideas?
would you put 3 small YT in a 120 if bioload is otherwise light?


i have heard the same thing about fire fish and diamond gobys jumping.
Added egg creat and have a canopy and have bin told they can still jump out.
Altho my have not , maybE adding 6 all together was lucky but to be honest they have lasted the longest and school.
hope that helps
My LFS special orders the blue-eyed cardnals. (still waiting) try yours tho. :)


Coral Catfish are pretty cool, they dont look very cool in pictures but in person are really fun to watch and you can have as many as you'd like. They tend to get eaten though if you have any fish that may do this.


Active Member
There are coral catfish at my LFS all the time, they're really cool. Personally, I'd say go for the anthias. There are so many differnt kinds and they bring in a heck of a lot of color. 7 females and one male woul dmake me one happy reefer, however I only have nano tanks. =)

bang guy

Originally Posted by mony97
Coral Catfish are pretty cool, they dont look very cool in pictures but in person are really fun to watch and you can have as many as you'd like. They tend to get eaten though if you have any fish that may do this.

Coral Catfish quickly grow to 10 - 12" and will eat any animal that fits in their huge mouth.

bang guy

They also lose their stripes and end up looking a lot like a freshwater Bullhead, just smaller. Oh, and they're venomous



Bang Guy;3193397 said:
They also lose their stripes and end up looking a lot like a freshwater Bullhead, just smaller. Oh, and they're venomous

Haha that is definetly not the best choice then, they are way better when small. Good to know though. Thx again Bang


Heniochus Bannerfish swim together, but you absolutely must introduce them to your tank together.