I think this is a good sign. I was sitting in front of my tank last night and looking real close to inspect the new coraline growth. All of a sudden I see what looks like a tiny feather duster. It was about a 1/4" in diameter. Then before too long I spy 2 more on the same rock. The one looks a bit different than the 2 small ones. It is about the size of a dime and looks almost like a spider when open. I have not added any LR to my tank in almost a year. The only thing that has changed in my tank is it has turned more community from aggressive and I added more lights.
Where would these guys have come from?
The little tips I have taken from this board have helped me a ton. Applying some of them have made my tank so much healthier. All of a sudden I have coraline growth where there was none. My crabs are molting, and my tank is looking much better. I just wannna throw a shout out to all the people that gave me good advise. Oh yeah and for those of you that asked the questions that got answers that I could use too!
Where would these guys have come from?
The little tips I have taken from this board have helped me a ton. Applying some of them have made my tank so much healthier. All of a sudden I have coraline growth where there was none. My crabs are molting, and my tank is looking much better. I just wannna throw a shout out to all the people that gave me good advise. Oh yeah and for those of you that asked the questions that got answers that I could use too!