Good size sick Tank?


Ive got a 125 gallon tank. Whats a good size sick tank to put under the aquarium? Filters? Also ive got a fifty five gallon tank unused. Can i get it up and running for a sick tank. The 55 would be on a stand so can i put fish and inverts in it while its not used as a sick tank?


Active Member
I have seen many use small tanks, from 5g to 15g as sick tanks. You are going to have some pretty happy, sick fish in a 55g with that much room to move.
Question though...if you are going to use it as a regular tank while other fish aren't sick, where do you plan on putting them when you DO need it as a sick tank? Or, better question..what if THOSE fish get sick...then you'll need another sick tank. I would use it as a sick tank and leave it at that personally.

sinner's girl

the size of your qt should depend on the size of your fish. if you have smaller fish which don't need lots of room and smaller tank is ok for qt. but if you have larger fish you need a larger qt. example if you have 3 tangs you don't want to put them in a 20gl qt.


Ok. I am gonna buy a 90 gal. tank to replace the 55. The 55 wont fit under the 125. So i was set it up for salt or something fun. Now i dont know whats gonna happen. Ill prolly have medium size fish so a thirty gallon sick tank would be good eigh? Now is this tank gonna cost me a lot of money to get goin and how much a month. Do the fish get sick that much to have 30 gallons always goin? How about you guys. Do you have sick tanks?


Wait a sec, wait a sec.
One thing we discovered after setting up a hospital tank, was that it was great to have a smaller one. The reason is, if you're dosing medicine, you need less medicine to make a full dose (read:cheaper).
Also, if you're doing hyposalinity, or other water change type affectations, the smaller the tank, the easier and quicker it is. Keep this in mind in a hospital setup.
We have two hospital tanks, one that we use for hypo and one for medication. They are 10 and 15 gallons respectively. BIG help having small hospital tanks!


Active Member
You can use the same tank as a QT when you get new fish and then you shouldnt have sick fish at all. So it is said, that is what I am gonna do. Had a hopital tank cause I did a few things wrong, and now am starting over basically and going to use my hospital tank as a QT, which I should of did in the first place! No its not expensive, if you could sit it under your 125 then no stand cost. Just need light, hiding spots (pvc pipe), filter, heater (if necc.), maybe a power head. Its basic, nothing to look at kinda tank. HTH