Good snail or bad?


Does it look anything like this
6SY0IYh1XYeK9prxlKOz6KFfB+ZvXivisUUUyN9Qq+594+VWoheCKH3qWJhVaK8sOdzTXp9DkzZPoVjx0+Yta55vM2snh+nC5ld6tefcAzV6C5zs9Ik48Z5Ti2PT+5m5/C82lQFV3cdfaZzjdQ9L9XUkrcyxvvVIwDEQMeRtuI+34jVS1cTqiru3bQbA95q0uhyaw7cWJwLJJIoX0HPxPf8L8EXT4gHAbKRbGyRfxLC9ORKhOaIJ7nvNXh2iy6jL/prvUdWAsCdwnh2FqZsOMkdDsF/1m7Do8aj6VVb5oKB+0M65jReAOMnqMqse+6+fj7ToV0GdsvqO5VtoUBFoKB2HxPUxYlH8svVIyGs2DAyKAWJFdbmvDjpYypUtUVLjLzSTBZ9zGAjbZMbwlmCzLNsm2EILMhBjhYQIVVttQvYG5NstC12hr4gU7Yr4ldWR1DIwIZSLBHsfiX7ZCsDiPH/ACg+XG58Nt8bNuOnsAof+gn9pyRXWeHr/DhcijGzfSy0QDRpl6jkf1n2TbweO0x63wzS63nU4Vd6oZBw4+zdZK3x39br47lV8jM7WzE2W73FTLkRguT61vo0+ia3yfi/Fo89X+Iald9//IURPKyeUtclf8tp8ik19Oev3mfq9k+XznuOVz42cblFBuouiPz7x8eIKlA2fc83Ok/4Y8TbFtGmVFUcYxmQE/N3N+g8qriVTqWANWUTkg/c/wD5NSVz8nl4vuPA8K8Ly6zUoxQ7QOvQCddp9CmBAiKAAOwm/T6XFp8Yx4sYVB2HeXrjHtK83fd6rAuno2P0jDSITZRb96noDEPaWDGPaGGJcAC1XHxLUxkUVA683NXp8dI4xgAQK0QHtLUWjGCy1F56QgKJcogUSxRNAgRhxIBGAhHn1CBGAhA5mWikSVLNtybJcFZEgWM6GxUcJUikCybZYBDtlFQWEpLdsO2QU7INhl+2TbAzenXaI2Lm6mzbFKcwMZxD/aIj4ye03HHF9LrA8/0z7QhSJtOLmI2OEUARwI2yNUKAEYCQCOohECx1WMAIwEIAWMBUYSCXVERwLgAjqJWWALCBzCBHAmWgAhqMBCBLoUCHbGqSMUoENRqkj8CgQ1D0hq5AtSVGqSoC1JUepKgJUG2W1JUCkrFZJeRARAylYNk0lIm2BSFjASzbBthAEcQbY1QDCIIyiA6jmWARUEtAl1HngRgJJJFMJJJJYDUlSSSgjmGpJJFQwiSSQGpJJIEhqSSBNslUJJIE2wVJJABEBW5JIClYKkkhBqSpJIB23HQcySQLQJYo4kkhl//Z" style="width: 192px; display: inline; height: 144px" width="192" />


First one is bad, second I believe is okay. I'd throw him in the refugium for the time being until some others confirm or deny, but the first one needs to go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382502/good-snail-or-bad#post_3338540
First one is bad, second I believe is okay. I'd throw him in the refugium for the time being until some others confirm or deny, but the first one needs to go.
I dont think i could get it back from the water treatment plant.
I have the second one coordined off in a plastic cup held in place in the DT so it cant get out for the time being. Waiting for who seems the be the expert on these IDs, Bang?


Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/382502/good-snail-or-bad#post_3338542
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
First one is bad, second I believe is okay. I'd throw him in the refugium for the time being until some others confirm or deny, but the first one needs to go.
I dont think i could get it back from the water treatment plant.
I have the second one coordined off in a plastic cup held in place in the DT so it cant get out for the time being. Waiting for who seems the be the expert on these IDs, Bang?
You can also try PM'ing Saxman and/or Cranberry, they can ID just about anything, lol