good spot for eggs



Hey gang,
I found the old thread of the clownfish breeding adventure to be quite fascinating and in the typical fashion of biting off more than I can chew, I am interested in playing that game (the clownfishes book is on the way). That being said, I have 3 false percs (one bigger than the other two) but with so many caves, crevices and other hidey-holes in my reef, I have doubts about ever seeing eggs (I've had them about 4 months and haven't seen a thing yet). Is there a "trick" or ideal place I can artificially create that would incline them to put the eggs where I want (so I can get at 'em)?


Active Member
I dont think it will work with three in your tank. Once you have a female and male, they will kill the third.
I have seen a few threads that use clay flowerpots that can be removed, though most keep thier breeding pair in a seperate tank, I do believe


Mine lay theirs on clay pots, rocks, tank wall (near their BTA). In terms of the "when" - how old are they? Even after two become a mated pair, they must still have a secure and stable environment to lay eggs. I had one pair of b/w oscellaris for four years and it wasn't until I removed the two crabs from their tank that they finally decided to lay eggs.


Originally Posted by SlugKeeper
Mine lay theirs on clay pots, rocks, tank wall (near their BTA). In terms of the "when" - how old are they? Even after two become a mated pair, they must still have a secure and stable environment to lay eggs. I had one pair of b/w oscellaris for four years and it wasn't until I removed the two crabs from their tank that they finally decided to lay eggs.
I haven't the foggiest about their ages...they won't tell me (guess that makes them all female). I've had the larger one for about 8 months and the two smaller arrived together about 5 months ago. Guess I'm just rolling the dice, as this is a large reef system with everything you can think of in it. If they have an issue with a crab, shrimp, neighbor, I guess I'll never know about it.

bang guy

Ocellaris almost always lay eggs in the open. If you place a flat rock or piece of tile near where they hang out they will prefer to lay eggs on the flat instead of a bumpy rock.
Once you see a pair you should immediately remove the odd man out. It it were me I would just remove one of the smaller ones now to lower the stress level.


I received 3 false perc in December and they are like a family. The female and largest male are a mated pair. They have started laying eggs. Three times so far. The last eggs just hatched on Tuesday. The little clown isn't picked on and he hangs out with the pair.