Good Stocking List?


hello, I have already:
1 occ. clown
1 yellowtail damsel
I would like these fish, which ones will work in a 46-gallon? (fowlr)
Lemonpeel*, Pygmy, or Coral Beauty Angelfish (one of them)
lmb*or midas blenny*. "
6-line wrasse*
maybe some kind of Cardinalfish? (if room)
I put a * by the fish I really like. not sure which blenny to get. I don't know much about the Midas, any special needs? I wish the lmb didn't need algea all the time (or veggie flakes).
Any other fish suggestions would be great!


Yes, I wasn't going to have two angels...I can't decide, here is my new fish list, how does this look?
1 occ. clown (already have it)
1 yellowtail damsel (already have it)
1 Lemonpeel Angelfish
1 Six-Line Wrasse
1 Lawn Mower Blenny
I will probably be turning in the damsel to the pet store, so I would have four fish.
(If I do, depeding on tank I might consider adding a clown goby)


Active Member
Looks good, I love lemonpeels but I can't have one because I already have a flame angel. :joy:


Active Member
when you trade in your damsel get another ocellaris clown. IMO clowns should always be kept as a pair


Yeah, I've been thinking about it...I really like Pyjama Cardinals all of the if this lasts I might adjust the fish list. I've been thinking about a pair. Ugh!! I just don't know...too many great fish, not enough tank space...


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
Yes, I wasn't going to have two angels...I can't decide, here is my new fish list, how does this look?
1 occ. clown (already have it)
1 yellowtail damsel (already have it)
1 Lemonpeel Angelfish
1 Six-Line Wrasse
1 Lawn Mower Blenny
I will probably be turning in the damsel to the pet store, so I would have four fish.
(If I do, depeding on tank I might consider adding a clown goby)


thats a good list but you should get rid of the damsel sometimes they are a pain in the neck!but the clown, lemonpeel , and the 6- line would be a pretty nice tank. maybe the blenny if the fish are comfortable and have enough room. good luck !


Well, I think I finally have a stocking list I like, I would have to get rid of the two fish I currently have...what do y'all think?
(In order of additions)
Pair of Juv. Clarkii Clowns
1 Six Line Wrasse
Lemonpeel Angelfish
How does this look? Will the Clarkii's get too big?


Active Member
yup clarkis get to be 6 inches i think, you should get a pair of true percs. i think those are the best looking clowns out there


I am wondering, when Clarkii Clowns mature, do they become blackish, or is this the Sebea clown? I got the impression that a Clarkii starts out yellowish and then becomes predominately black. A recent post seemed to contradict it, what is the correct theory?
Oh, even without knowing the color, I really like what I have seen of them and am thinking about making this my stocking list:
1 Royal Gramma
1 Clarkii
1 six line
1 lemonpeel



Originally Posted by damselsrck
Ok, I think I'll probably go with that. I get a clarkii, but my tank isn't overcrowed
Hey Hate steal this thread but read some threads on lighting. Can you e-mail me that web site cheap lighting. Thanks


Ugh! Ok, well I still have a new idea.. at least I'm going to have at least a month to nail down a stocking list I like. The two fish I REALLY like (and have liked for a long time) are the Lemonpeel and the Six Line. Here is my new idea, is this ok?
(in order of additions, any opinions on this would be great!)
Royal Gramma
(here's where I'm not sure about what order to add)
Juv. Maroon Clown
Six Line
Does this look ok? Not much different then the last one, but a Maroon is more aggressive.