Good Sunday mornin'...

nm reef

Active Member
...hope all is well where you are.

Thought I'd post a few pics taken yesterday and see if any of y'all have recent pics to share...
First up is a new look at my flame angel...and no so far he hasn't been a problem at all...never any sign of interest in any of the corals...a perfectly mannered resident so far.

nm reef

Active Member
This is one of the ORA frags I've purchased at a trusted LFS in Lubbock...the only ID I have is a acropora sp.
Anybody able to properly ID it for me. I've had it now for maybe 6 months or more...where it is located its been sort of difficult to get a decent pic...this is the best I've been able to get.

nm reef

Active Member
A closer look at the same piece...the tips are a baby blue with a sort of cream colored structure and light colored polyps...growth rate has been decent so far...

nm reef

Active Member
This is the fire coral...Millepora...that I got from a local LFS for $ had been in his tank for several weeks and was getting in bad condition when I talked him out of it.

nm reef

Active Member
I still keep a few assorted LPS types....these are my cany canes.....sort of tucked away from direct lighting and doing well under the 2x400 MH's & 2x110 VHO's....before they were under more direct lighting and seemed to be suffering a time these will be fragged and placed in a couple of the systems I maintain locally or traded at LFS's for credit...

nm reef

Active Member
Another recent addition from a small LFS here in town....the owner got this in and offered it to me right away....its not a coral that I see much of but the structure is very has colored up a bit with a blueish/pinkish tint.....
Pachyseris sp. I believe is the proper ID...

nm reef

Active Member
These next pics are group shots of the display showing a glimpse of how things are progressing in my reef....

yosemite sam

Active Member
Nice looking photos promisetbg and NM!
I haven't added much recently, but here are some new photos, at least.
My tri-color insignis. I got it about a month ago, and it's really starting to color up nicely.