Good Sunday morning...

nm reef

Active Member
...another fine day here in New Mexico. I hope all is well with ya'all.
I just wanted to post a few recent pics and see if anybody wanted to join in. Keeping a reef provides pride as well as pleasure on a personal basis and sharing what I have has become a big part of this hobby for me. I also like to view pics of what ya'll feel free to join me on this Sunday mornin' with a few pics of your own.
First from wizardry reef is a sort of close look at one of my furry shrooms. There are currently 8 of these beautys in my reef...several have been relocated over the past few years to either fellow hobbyists or a trusted LFS for credit.

nm reef

Active Member
This is the best pic I've ever taken of these orange centered zoos...they have a very tight growth fringes...and are starting to spread at a fairly quick pace. I've got a couple of small colonys in a few other locations and this main colony has started to spread on the sand bed. Soon I should be able to trade these to fellow reefers.

nm reef

Active Member
This small pocillopora frag is one of my recent SPS long last I am able to keep a few select SPS types. So far they have adjusted well and appear healthy. In time I'll cut back on the softies and LPS types...

nm reef

Active Member
Last for this morning is a little group shot...the small alveopora in the background is what is left of a very nice (and much larger) speciman I had in the old 55 reef for about 2 years. During the change over from the 55 to the 100 display I nearly lost it.It has recently stabalised and has grown a bit...hopefully it'll regain its former size.

nm reef

Active Member
Just to have a little fun...and to show a macro shot from the new camera...who can tell me what this is a picture of? Should be relatively easy to ID....what ya think?


that would be a Furry Mushroom..
and I would really love to have some of those.. :D
great coloring.. and awsome texture.. what a great peice to have in your tank! Very nice!!
awsome pics btw...


Here's a Pic of my new Torch Coral, adjusted very well, I bought it yesterday and the bag pped so it went right into my tank without accumulation