Good variety for Regal Tang?


Just making sure I'm giving this guy enough variety - I am currently feeding him spirinula flakes, brine shrimp, and letting him munch on some green seaweed. He seems to be doing really well with all that, eating almost all of what I feed him, and eats a good deal of the seaweed over the course of the day. Let me know if I should add anything to his diet.
Thanks for the help!


To give it a little more, I'd drop some squid in the tank, or maybe live food, they all need a little live every once in a while. Otherwise it sounds like an okay diet


I heard that squid was good to feed them - I can buy that live though? Keep in mind this guy is also real little (less than an inch!) Thanks for the help so far, and I'm thinking of setting up a brine shrimp tank to keep some live stuff for them.
Thanks again!


I'm not sure you can get squid live without paying a big price. I just go along the lines of frozen and my fish love it.
BTW, brine shrimp to them is a little like cardboard, they are nuttin' but hard little creatures, they'll eat 'em but they aren't the best food source, I think a lot of fish like the frozen mosquitoe larvae though, or blackworms.


ewww.... cardboard.... they're really that tough, even when thawed? Feels pretty slimy to me... Anyways, I am looking around my town to see if there are some good prices on fresh squid. Wish I had known I would actually be looking for this stuff one day... last summer I cut about 10 boxes of fresh squid everyday at a restaurant I worked at.... oh well.
Anyways, I am working on trying to find some other stuff to feed my little guy. Would brine work better if I bought some kind of supplement to dip it in before feeding them? What is best as a supplement?
thanks again!


Formula Foods has a formula variety pack that i use.
It contains:
Formula one, Formula two, Prime Reef, Angel Formula, Brine shrimp plus, Spirulina formula, and Special Formula VHP.
I take a cube of each smash it up in a plastic container. Feed them a little cover it and put it back in the freezer. My fish go to town on it.


you could get frozen squid at the local bait shop.