I would like to share some pics of my 3 month old 44 gallon pentagon reef. I have a 3-4 inch deep sandbed, 1 rio powerhead, 1 hydor 4 powerhead, 250 watt 14k mh, 55-65 lbs of liverock and a hob refugium with chaeto.
Several corals, 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 serpent star, many many snails & hermit crabs and my all time fav gold stripe maroon clown. I over paid for the clown but had to have him!
Hope you enjoy,
Several corals, 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 serpent star, many many snails & hermit crabs and my all time fav gold stripe maroon clown. I over paid for the clown but had to have him!
Hope you enjoy,