Gorgeous decor for sale


Active Member
Great for a beginner, I used this stuff for a year it is made by Living Color. the paint does not fade at all and it is very easy to wash and set up. I had it set up in a 90 gallon. I paid $900.00 for this stuff. Willing to sell for $600.00 or trade for good lighting. Do research on living color and you will see that this is a steal!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DRIZCOL
no offense but, Man that stuff looks tacky!
Why would you be so stupid and say something like that, I am trying to sell it. If you don't like don't buy it, but why ruin it for me and someone else who may like it! What an idiot!


I agree, that post should be deleted, classifieds should be reserved for questions only, personal commentary about the items should be prohibited! I think they look cool! Plus less upkeep than real corals! I hope you can sell them!


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
Why would you be so stupid and say something like that, I am trying to sell it. If you don't like don't buy it, but why ruin it for me and someone else who may like it! What an idiot!
Your the idiot trying to such ugly tacky crap! If you want to sell it, some moron on the big auction site will most like buy it.
P.S. I hope your stuck with it and cant sell it!

Have a Nice Day!


Active Member
You're rite I must be crazy trying to sell something in the classifieds section. I would be smart like you if I just bashed things that weren't to my taste. :notsure:
What are you on dude????


Im not the crack head trying to sell that crap!
you my want to try a retirement home in florida, that stuff would fit in perfectly there.


Active Member
What is wrong with you, you're crazy man. This site is for people who want to enjoy the hobby not reply to post like you do and be obnoxious!
Can you please leave this post alone!


Driz, you got way too much time on your hands.
No one that has visited this thread has cared what your opinion is.
Grow up and leave this thread alone.
Good luck with the corals, and I would report his comments to have them deleted or just start a new thread all together.


Click the exclamation point on his post, top right corner.
I already reported them myslef as well.
They should be gone soon.


this is hilarious!
All I did was comment on how bad those decorations looked. Adam was the person that started the name calling and insults.
the stuff is ugly, probably the reason your selling it.
hahaha $600, what are you on.


Active Member
Please allow the seller to sell what they would like without personal commentary. No one is asking anyone to buy it or comment on the quality, looks, whatever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Please allow the seller to sell what they would like without personal commentary. No one is asking anyone to buy it or comment on the quality, looks, whatever.

Thank you so much <<<<<<OPHIURA>>>>>