Gorgeous decor for sale


Staff member
Personally, if a hobbyist wants a strictly FO tank, I see no problem with this setup at all! What would be better for a FO? Dead coral heads? Not.

There are still plenty of hobbyists...most actually, who go for strictly FO, especially when they are first coming into the hobby. I would prefer that a new hobbyist dream about reef first, rather than set one up and not know what the heck they are doing.
Artificial corals are not cheap either. Hey, if it saves real corals, I'm for it!


Active Member
Totally agree Beth. If someone wants a lot of color, I would rather they get it this way, then by dyed live corals instead.
Not to mention these are exactly the sorts of "corals" that are used in major public aquariums.


i thought personal commentary about the product should be prohibited or comments on the quality, looks, whatever:notsure:


Active Member
Discussion of the items for sale is fine, but calling them ugly or basically flaming the seller for selling them is not something we want.


Active Member
$500.00 Shipped !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It weighs 90 pounds so that a big discount.
Easy to clean
Durable; will not abrade or peel
Will not scratch acrylic
UV inhibitors impede discoloration and deterioration
Beautiful in both marine and freshwater aquariums
This comes in about 8 or 10 pieces that basically fit together in almost any size tank. It is great because you will always be able to remove it for cleaning and place it rite back where it belongs without loosing formation like rock. Here is a pic of it set up in my 90 gallon, however bare in mind it can fit in tanks from 45 to 500 gallons since it can always be reaquascaped by you to your liking. It weighs about 90 pounds or less I would say for the whole set up, so it is heavy enough not to budge but easy to handle.