Here is a photo a few minutes ago of my gorgonian. The front stalk turned this white color just in the last hour or two. You can see at the top of the front stalk there is a spot that looks almost "scorched." Last night I noticed there was something white in that spot. The best way I can describe it is wormlike, but it didn't appear to be alive. In total about half an inch long, 1/6 inch diameter. It looked like something that had gotten caught by the gorgonians polyp. It was still there this morning and then the current must have swept it away. Both stalks came out today and it appeared fine. Then about three hours I noticed it looked a little odd, with the polyps half in and half out like I hadn't seen before. Then I went downstairs and saw this.
1. Does anyone know what happened?
2. What should I do? Remove the stalk (with scissors?), wait?
The back stalk appears more or less OK, but polyps aren't fully out.
1. Does anyone know what happened?
2. What should I do? Remove the stalk (with scissors?), wait?
The back stalk appears more or less OK, but polyps aren't fully out.