

I dont think i have read any posts about the Gorgonian. Are they not good for your tank? I was thinking about getting one but would like to know alittle more besides the description provided


Active Member
That would depend on which species you are considering. Most deep water specimines are considered harder to keep. Mainly because they are nonphotosynthetic and need to be feed regularly. They also require some flow directed at them. This helps force any food particles towards them and also keeps any build up from accumulating on their outter skeleton. This is not good for them and if they are not brushed clean can get necrosis where the build up is especially if its algea or cyano. Some eaiser species of gorg tend to be the ones that arent deep water and are photosynthetic, still require feedings although not as many and not so much quantity, and need proper flow. But are not as suseptable to build up do to their photosyntheitic properties and it also makes them more hardy IMO.


I have both a yellow and a red one I bought from this site, they are non-photosynthetic, and both are doing great. Bought them last spring I believe. I reccomend them!