

Active Member
What does it take to keep gorgonians? Do they need certain lighting conditions? I have 4.3 wpg in my reef...are they more or less difficult than corals?
I'm concidering getting one for added variety, but don't know enough about them right now.

mpls man

Active Member
I have some purple ones and there doing somewhat good , they have to be in good water flow from what i've herd because they are filter feeders, and also like to spot feed, not sure on lighting i have 542 watts for my 75 gal?


you need to get one that is photosynthitic(SP?), like the purple one i have. it needs a high flow. it produces a slimmy coat to help with alge, and the high flow helps keep the "slim" from getting too thick. any other ones that need to be spot feed are very hard to keep. the yellow one they sell on this sight needs to be feed, and is hard to keep.