Originally Posted by
I think all crabs are give-or-take when saying "reef safe". I've heard of people getting crabs and them being fine with coral for years, and then all of a sudden decided to snack on them. I have a SLF that's kinda cool, he changes colors depending on his background. Also, I saw something at the LFS today that's pretty neat, but had no money to buy it. Look up Staghorn Crabs. It was in a tank with a ton of coral, so I assume it's reef safe.
I also have a little pom pom crab, but he is small and hides a lot.
Staghorn Crabs are awesome! So rare though!
Originally Posted by OleMiss
Porcelain crabs are about as safe as they come. I have a white one that lives in pearl bubble coral and a fairly large blue/green one. Pom pom crabs are awesome but they have a tendency to hide alot.
My porcelain crab wouldn't hurt a fly. He goes between my RBTA, my fox coral and my trumpets. Their claws are more for show than for use.
I have issues with emerald crabs. Every time I put one in my large tank, no matter where I buy them from, they peel the coralline right off my rocks. I've watched more than one do it, so I refuse to put one in the 155G. I have one in my 14G that came as a hitchhiker and he's absolutely fine.
I also have a Pom Pom Crab in my 14G with the emerald and both get along well and don't bother anything. You can train the Pom Pom to be less shy, but it takes time. I hand trained my Yasha Goby to know that when my hand comes in the tank, she's getting fed, so now the little crab is starting to get the idea too.
Definitely banish your little hitchhiker. IMO, if you can't ID, it's a bad crab. Judging from the looks of his claws it's a bad crab. Trust me when I say that you don't ever want to have to deal with a bad fish eating crab in your tank!