gorilla crab


New Member
i have an unidentified crab that hitchhiked into my tank on some live rock a few months ago. i had been half heartedly trying to identify him ever since i saw him. i was watching all my critters feed on some brine over the weekend and looked down at the hairy crab's home under the live rock and noticed he was "stalking" one of my hermits. just when i thought the hermit was done for my diamond goby grabbed a mouthful of sand right in front of the crab and spooked him and the hermit got away. i dont think the hermit even knew he was in danger. this left me concerned that this crab could be a danger to the other tank residents.
yesterday, i was reading an unrelated thread on this board and someone described a crab they had that sounded just like mine. the response he got was "sounds like a gorilla crab, it is bad news. get it out of your tank". well, i did a search for gorilla crab, looked at several pics and, sure enough, i have a gorilla crab. i am giving serious thought to buying a small tank (10g, maybe 20) just for him. if i do, i was wondering if anyone knew what else i might be able to safely add to the small gorilla crab's tank.


New Member
hehe, if i establish a tank for this guy maybe i can give yours a home too.
i could have a gorilla crab refuge, LOL