Got A Few ?s


1. Got a yellow tail desmel today accimationed it for 1h then put him in my 75g display tank. Hes the only fish in the tank and he just got into this little cave in my LR and is just been sitting there for bout 5 hrs. even when i dumped some brine shrimp for him. Do they perfer being the only desmal in the tank?
2. When does coraline alge kick in


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
1. Got a yellow tail desmel today accimationed it for 1h then put him in my 75g display tank. Hes the only fish in the tank and he just got into this little cave in my LR and is just been sitting there for bout 5 hrs. even when i dumped some brine shrimp for him. Do they perfer being the only desmal in the tank?
2. When does coraline alge kick in
1. my experience with damsels is that it will take them about a day or 2 to warm up to the tank. also, i wouldnt pick up any more damsels because they are notorious for being bullys. dont worry about the guy you have now, just make shure when you add other fish and critters that the damsel isnt pickin on them.
2. coraline depends on a few factors... the only one i know is calcium. i keep my calcium at about 480-500. some people have had tanks set up for years and dont have coraline, and im certainly no expert. ive had mine for about 5 months now, and have seen minimal coraline growth.


Active Member
someone on this site also told me that coraline algae likes good water circulation/flow.....don't know if its true, but its growing all over my new reef tank and I have 4 returns on top and three returns on the bottom of the tank so this is good circulation....but for it to grow and spread, you need to have some seeded in the tank by throwing in a piece of live rock which has some already growing on it....someone else suggested using a toothbrush and softly scraping the algae and then rubbing it off on another live rock to aide in spreading it....never tried this myself though.
Try to buy rocks with coraline algae on it. This will definatley help spread. I have only had this tank up and running for 2 1/2 months and I can see the coraline spreading already, although slowly.


Active Member
A fish by himself in that big of a tank is likely to be shy for a bit. From what I understand, fish get nervous when there's no one else around because they think there's either a predator lurking or they all already got eaten. I'd get him a friend as soon as you can, even a shrimp or crab of some kind could help. Yellowtails aren't the most aggresive of damsels, so you should be able to mix other fish with him quite well. Clowns, psuedochromis, chromis, some other less aggresive damsels would all be good choices.


yep will a purcula couple be okay with it hes starting to make progress of moving out a few inches of of his cave lol 2. i have some red spots on some of my LR not to much , whod that be coraline alge


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
yep will a purcula couple be okay with it hes starting to make progress of moving out a few inches of of his cave lol 2. i have some red spots on some of my LR not to much , whod that be coraline alge
He's probably get along fine with a mated pair of percs. The red could be cyanobacteria, so don't get too excited. If you really want good coraline growth, it really comes down to lighting.