got a joke for everyone its called the stupid test



Theoretically, if the fish some how drowned from lack of oxygen in the water, there would still be 5 fish in the ocean, but only 2 of them would be alive.
BAH!!! Some one beat me to it, guess I am a slow poster


this is funny seeing everyone answer . why everyone thinking so hard its a retarted test and most of you failed lol


Just a thought... but if there were 5 fish and 3 died... actually there would be only 2 left and a few really happy brittle stars.


"How many are left?"
That would depend on where our point of reference is..
If your reference is to their right, then all five would be "LEFT"!!
ps. must be the engineer mind working again..
Do the two that are still alive eat the dead ones? It's a awfully empty ocean, and I think they would be hungry. If they do, then the answere is two. Am I over-thinking this?? :)


Active Member
Copied from another source.
A fish out of water, is a fish out of its element. A fish comes fully equipped with a pair of gills, which it uses to breathe under water. The gills extract life-sustaining oxygen from the hydrogen in the water molecules, in order to regulate the amount of oxygen intake. This maintains the necessary balance of the two components of water for the fish to survive.
When a fish is taken out of water, and exposed only to air, not to oxygen and hydrogen containing water, its gills are unable to control the oxygen intake, the delicate balance cannot be maintained, and the gills inhale a lethal overdose of oxygen. The fish essentially experiences death by "drowning" in air.
Therefore, based upon my limited knowledge of "drowning" fish - and this silly pseudo-scientific crap above - I say there are two left in the ocean and the other 3 were somehow removed and drowned in the air :p
BTW - what ocean only has 5 fish in it ?