Got a new incredible fish


Active Member
Wow, those are some seriously incredible photos. I wish I could take pics of my fish and have them come out this nice.


Katz where do you live? That's great your lfs has concern about there livestock but I know of a couple of people keeping them for well over a year in a 120 sps tank with 1200 watts of halides on them. If you have a cave for them to have shelter they seem to adapt fine. Also in these tanks they have been living in 79-80 degree water. Though this may not be the ideal conditions, we as fish keepers never can duplicate exact conditions and these fish thankfully adapt to our misgivings that we make. Thats what makes any animal amazing that they can adapt to there living conditions. For example if you lived in florida, you could could certainly live in Canada as long as all other enviormental conditions didn't change in an extreme way. As far as light out halides, leds, pc's, don't even come close to comparing to the sun. OK I'm rambling. Regards, Tim


New Member
I just got a borbonius anthias on saturday. It has been staying up top by the filter. Doesn't swim much yet. i am hoping that he is just getting used to his new surroundings. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Those are some beautiful fish. I would love to have some like that but I move too often and have to sell all my stock and start over too frequently. Like about every 3 years.


Your Bobonius sounds as if it is suffering from decompression. Your anthias should be hiding amongst the rockwork and not near the filter. Is there any aggression from other tankmates towards your Borb? Hopefully the fish will adjust. Mine is doing great and has already put on some weight and doesn't look emaciated like many other anthias you see. I would recommend to feed them heavily atleast 3-5 times a day with enriched mysis, prawn, and silver sides. I have read that the heaviest feedings should be at dawn and dusk as that this is when they are most active but I haven't seen this behavior yet. Mine has began to eat NLS and anytime I have a fish eating NLS they become quite indestructable. Make sure they have a place to hide. My Borb loves sitting directly in front of the flow which suprises me considering it is a deep water fish. Also I have brought the temperature down to 76-77 degrees in this particular tank. Good luck with your fish and thanks for all the praise of the pictures. Believe me its not the photographer but the camera that should recieve the praise. Regards, Tim


New Member
I do not see any agression and he eats well. He waits in the corner for food to come to him. He is near the filter flow. I was thinking about physically moving him but I will give him some time. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
lol... I was at work yesterday telling someone I work with about this amazing pink and green SW fish I saw a picture of (yours) and they were like "".
They didn't get it.
BEAUTIFUL fish lol


I feel your pain. Only fish freaks like us can truly understand the love of fish. My girlfriend says she doesn't like the "pastelly fish that look like they came out of the 80's" Oh well they make me happy. She always says that she whished she had a hobby that I am as passionate about. Anyway, took a couple of new pics. Let me know what you think. I have a Crosshatch coming this week. Regards, Tim



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