got a niger trigger today

salt life

Active Member
it's around 4 inches and looks very healthy.
anything ya'll trigger owners want to share with me about them? (this is my first trigger)


Originally Posted by Salt Life
it's around 4 inches and looks very healthy.
anything ya'll trigger owners want to share with me about them? (this is my first trigger)
Congrats very cool fish
. Mine is fairly aggressive, grows faster than my picasso, but not nearly as fast as my stars and stripes puffer. Feed it meaty foods often and enjoy, as with all triggers they are tanks, and don't really require any special treatment.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Congrats very cool fish
. Mine is fairly aggressive, grows faster than my picasso, but not nearly as fast as my stars and stripes puffer. Feed it meaty foods often and enjoy, as with all triggers they are tanks, and don't really require any special treatment.
thanks for the response

he is swimming around the tank more than when I first put him in, my fimbraited is giving him some atitude but that is normal (right?) since he is the new fish in the tank? he looks great though, he will be my "show fish" cause I am more of a moray person.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
thanks for the response

he is swimming around the tank more than when I first put him in, my fimbraited is giving him some atitude but that is normal (right?) since he is the new fish in the tank? he looks great though, he will be my "show fish" cause I and more of a moray person.
Hmm, not sure about the Fimby...I had a mexican dragon once, and so long as it got it's shrimp it could care less what was in the tank with it. I have heard/read fimby's are fairly aggressive however...this may be a constant %%.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Hmm, not sure about the Fimby...I had a mexican dragon once, and so long as it got it's shrimp it could care less what was in the tank with it. I have heard/read fimby's are fairly aggressive however...this may be a constant
yeah he has his aggresive moments but other than that is pretty chill and just hangs in his cave.

small triggers

Active Member
they grow fast are are big pigs,,, gotta love em though, mine likes to be petted (after hes fed its much easier though) LOVES to have water squirted at him from my turkey baster when i am cleaning rocks


Originally Posted by small triggers
they grow fast are are big pigs,,, gotta love em though, mine likes to be petted (after hes fed its much easier though) LOVES to have water squirted at him from my turkey baster when i am cleaning rocks
How fast did yours grow? Mine only gained a half inch maybe less in the past year. Think I got a runt...which is not a bad thing...not complaining.


The first Niger I owned got to be overly agressive and at the time, I had some fish that couldn't handle it. Had to trade the poor guy in. Then a year later, I got another Niger, this time he has much better suited (agressive) tank mates and he's been really behaving, not that he has a choice. He's in with a much larger goldheart trigger which noone messes with, a larger sargassum trigger, a queen angel which again noone messes with, a naso tang and a large foxface. So he really has noone to harass.
From my experience, I think Nigers are unpredictable and the bigger they get, the more agressive they become. Great for a tank with equally agressive fish. Seem like fast growers.

el guapo

Active Member
They love fresh shell fish . Try cracking the shell of a muscle and drop it in the tank . Also clams and raw shrimp. you might even have luck with sheets of nori .


Active Member
I have had 2 Redtooth (my preferred name as opposed to the latin name) Triggers, the first I had for about 5 years, the second i've had for a year and a half. Slow growing, but do get quite large. This becomes a very antagonistic (for lack of a better word) fish as they age, small or slow moving fish beware. Eats anything, and gets prettier with age IMO, not to mention the addition of the "red teeth" in the adults.

salt life

Active Member
thanks for the advice and responses everyone.
I took some of the seafood mix I feed the eels and blended it up a bit, he loved it. so i'm gonna blend up more and freeze it.

small triggers

Active Member
well i got my niger at about 2 inches a little over 2 years ago, he is very easily over 6 inches long now,,, very fast growing compared to my humma humma (still only about 3 inches), my bluejaw (about 4 inches), the same for my clown trigger I got them all small but man,,, they are pretty,,
1st time order from and will order again. The Niger Trigger otherwise known as the Red Tooth triggerfish. Yeah, meaty foods and mine is even eating the flake I have. I've had mine 2 days now and he's dug 2 holes down to the bottom of my glass tank, so I hope you have some deep gravel or sand. Mine's around 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep.
But all around great fish and the color change they go through sometimes is pretty cool. Would buy another but trigger and trigger don't get along most of the time.