Got a weather question about missouri


Active Member
I'm new to this state and i would like to know how cold it gets and if it snows. What month does it start to get cool? Is it like florida weather in the upper 40s low 50s? Thanks


I moved to St. Louis from Ft. Lauderdale. It gets cold here in the winter, but not much snow sticks here. It's very hot in the summer. Very nice weather in the spring and fall. It starts getting cold in late October. In the winter it gets into the 30's and occasionally dips to the teens. I hope this helps you.


Active Member
We are due for a dreadful snow....I hate to say. We have dodged the bullet for several years. What we do get a lot of is ICE!! Thats worse that a foot of snow IMO. Keep cat litter or sand in your car if you travel a lot. Whats really funny to watch are the grocery stores!! If the weather is due to turn bad (ice, snow etc) you won't be able to find a slice of bread or drop of milk in this town. Eggs too. Strange huh? I mean, really, our area is very capable of handling the big snows, you may be out of commission for a day depending on where you live. I guess everyone is making scrambled eggs and french toast

We do get some wicked below zero wind chills. I am not a winter fan! I am a sunny warm kinda gal. So I am not too thrilled with our winters and I am born and raised here.
The older I get, the worse I hate the cold.


Active Member
LTS, must be difficult to be a Beach Bum when you are in the middle of the country. (Insert smiley here, my ancient computer hates the smilies)
I lived in Columbia for 5 years and we only had one white Christmas in that time. Of course I was a kid then so I do remember the snow, and fondly. However I seem to remember it not snowing until about February, I could be wrong. Oh waking up and seeing that it snowed the night before and then rushing to the radio to see if school was cancelled because of the snow. Of course that was stupid because they just tacked then missed days onto the end of school so school got out later. But somehow we never thougth of that at the time.


Active Member
Not too bad being here, especially these days. Even though my heart and soul are happiest when my feet are in the sand.
A 1 day drive and I am where I need to be. :joy:
Used to love snow as a kid (summers on the beach made winter tolorable) , but quickly learned to hate it as an adult. We would sit and listen to the radio FOREVER or worse, watch the scroll on the bottom of the TV.
Down right prehistoric compared to today. Now we get an automated phone call about 5:30 am.
OR just log on to local TV station websites.


I moved to Tampa 7 years ago fom Kansas City. The weather is totally different. The midwest is great because the humiditiy is so much lower! It still gets hot and cold there but it's so different. I went to a Chiefs game with my mom and she kept complaining it was sooo hot. I thought it was perfect: I never broke a sweat. As for the cold...yes it does snow but usually doesn't last too long. The ice is more of a problem. Here in FL the cold is wet and will cut you to the bone even at 30 degrees (as you know). There, it bothers you when the temp is much lower and the wind is blowing. You will eventually adjust. It's not so bad. I really miss the snow.
My boyfriend is a Florida boy through and through. We were in Colorado a few months ago and the weather was down in the 20's at night. He was on the deck in a tee-shirt and felt fine. If he can do it, you can!
Plus, there are very few MOSQUITOS!!!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by rei511
The weather is totally different. The midwest is great because the humiditiy is so much lower! Plus, there are very few MOSQUITOS!!!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
The humidity is stiffling here in the summer. July/August the heat index usually goes to about 105-110 due to it. Florida heat/humity is very similar. I spend several weeks a year in July and August in Southwest FL and its much like home (minus the sand and water)
He have a horrific mosquito problem. West Nile big issue. Most city municipalities "fog" the neighborhoods to cut down on the mosq. population.
Cartman, like I said, you will see extremes here. Snow and ice one day and 40 degrees the next. Just when the snow starts to melt, then we get it with MINUS temps just in time to turn all of the melted snow into ICE
The snow is usually VERY heavy/wet too so its double the fun the shovel it.
We usually are right in the line of the jet stream and any sway of that north or south and thats what you will get. Its hard to predict snow storms here due to that.
Just be ready and stock up on milk and bread


Active Member
j/k :happyfish very pretty area in the Ozarks. I just stay away from the strip. My husband likes to fish and likes Taneycomo sometimes. I just like to shop at the outlet.
Well, your a few hours south west of here, so you won't see too many "big" storms. You will probably get the icy sloppy stuff. But who knows, maybe just this once I could tolorate
a "big" one, just for you.....