Got another SPS tonight..LOL



nice! I never owned a full acro head that didnt grow from a frag.. do they do well?


Active Member
dont know..only been into SPS for about little over a month now.
So far they seem to be doing good. I have noticed a small amount of growth on my one frag.


Active Member
Filling it up,
Always a nice to see the step by step. Anyone can buy a reef, growing it peice by peice is so much nicer when done IMO.


Active Member
thanks..But this is getting outta control. I bought 5 corals since friday. I need to go to CA( Coral Anonymous)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
thanks..But this is getting outta control. I bought 5 corals since friday. I need to go to CA( Coral Anonymous)

You have seen my tank, I am the wrong one to talk to about moderation. LOL
Looks great thats the problem. now your thinking "Well what about one more for right there, then one for right there..........." its endless. then its totally filled, then its time for a larger tank.
Your Aquarium is like your gunsafe. Never ever large enough.