Got Bugs??


I just noticed what looks like "bugs in my 55 gal FO tank. Right now I only have some hermit crabs...(fish died, that's another story). I think they may be isopods?? They look like extremly tiny sugar ants on the back glass of the tank. I also just found a bunch of them under the rubber suckers that hold the heater to the inside of the tank. THEN...I found some little round things near the heater that look like a circle with legs all around..(reminds me of a protazon from science class) which don't seem to move. Are these "bugs" ok, or am I in trouble?? Could not get good pictures, sorry...


The round spirobids look the closest, so I will guess it's them....
thanks for the help...


are the sugar ant lookin things white? if so i had a million of those in my tank for a while they would be all over the glass and hop around lol


Yes, they are white and very tiny. They don't move very fast. The ones on the glass hardly move at all. The ones under the suction cups on the heater move around much more... Gross....