Murph nice collection! Thanks for the offers, but I'm looking for things a little more high-end. I was hoping you'd put up your yellow lion for trade!
The tub's blues supposedly are the bluest zoos out there. Mine don't really seem to change colors no matter where I put them. Some frags I've kept on the sand, some frags I've kept within inches from the surface. Right now my colony is about 7" down between two 150 watt Phoenixes. They're as blue as a pepsi can.
AZReefGirl, thanks for the offer, but I'm not really into blastos. There's only been one blasto I've ever seen that I've considered buying, but too bad the shop I saw it at isn't fragging or selling it yet.
Here's a couple things that are currently on my wanting list: any rare zoos, Tyree LEs and AEs, pulsing sinularia, sansibia, branching galaxea (G. acrhelia or G. horrescens), any rare clownfish, or any type of dendrophyllia that I don't already have. I've got 7 different morphs and species of dendrophyllias right now but I'll take any types I don't already have. I'm also looking for any nice clams, especially blue teardrop maximas, black/white maximas, and blue squamosas! I know there's probably other corals that I'd like, but these are what comes to mind right now.
Oh and yea sorry guys, no buying/selling here, only trading
Thanks for looking!