got green moss! need help!!


:help: over the last 2-3 months i have been battling this green moss in my 30 gallon. unfortunatly i cant post a picture, but it is the hair algae. its really nappy like moss. does anyone know what might be causing this??? and how to treat it??

specs are as follows:
30 system II
30+ pounds of LR
2 inches of LS
8 hermit crabs
5 snails
damsil fish
percula clown
scooter blenny
yellow tang
small angel (forgot the name, oops)
it has the basic air stone skimmer that is built into the back (which i clean and empty weekly)
it is FOWLR so just the basic acintic blue bulb & 50/50 bulb
please help a brotha out! :notsure:


Active Member
I am new to this but, I received some established LR and it had this green algea on a few pieces. The LFS gave me 70 hermits and 1 butterfly and they have been going to town on it.


i have seen what you are talking about, but this stuff is like thick thck moss and it grows like hair. and it is spreading like wildfire. i never see my hermits grubbing on the stuff, so that is why i am at a total loss as to what it is. it is probably closer to natural sunlight than i would prefer, so maybe that is the major problem.


i get the saltwater from my lfs, its from catalina here in california, but i have never asked if it is reverse osmosis. the freshwater i get is from the bottled water machine, then i add buffer.


Active Member
You have a nutrient source.......the hair algae needs "food" to grow. Check your nitrates and phosphates. Some addiitives can also be a problem.
That bottled water machine could be your problem. Ever see any ongoing maintanance like filter changing? Do you know how often they test the water?


Active Member
cool, so my plan is to clean all of it out (which i did last week takes 4eva) change 15 gallons of water, and add a phosphate remover? i have almost no nitrates in my tank for a good while now.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by pacino
:help: over the last 2-3 months i have been battling this green moss in my 30 gallon. unfortunatly i cant post a picture, but it is the hair algae. its really nappy like moss. does anyone know what might be causing this??? and how to treat it??

specs are as follows:
30 system II
30+ pounds of LR
2 inches of LS
8 hermit crabs
5 snails
damsil fish
percula clown
scooter blenny
yellow tang
small angel (forgot the name, oops)
it has the basic air stone skimmer that is built into the back (which i clean and empty weekly)
it is FOWLR so just the basic acintic blue bulb & 50/50 bulb
please help a brotha out! :notsure:
Your algae problem I believe some of that may have to do with overstocking the tank and possibly your lights on too long. To get rid of the green algae I would think about turning off my lights as that could help. If the bulbs are over six months old they should be replaced anyway.
A tang NEVER belongs in a 30 gallon tank. His closet friends (and I mean closet not closest, as this poor tang has no swimming space) the damsel, scooter & percula are acceptable in a tank that size. Since I don't know what kind of angel you have I cannot comment on the angel.
FREE THE TANG! Give him to your LFS and explain your tank situation. Many local fish stores will allow you to trade, provided this tang hasn't already got ich.
The tang should not be in the 30 gallon, period. End of story. Where is he going to swim to when he is full grown? They get big and warrant a 75 gallon tank at minimum.
If you post asking how to deal with ich, I wouldn't be shocked.
Denise M.