Got lights, now what?

I finally purchased my lights. I went with the 4-light, 440 watt, 46.5" VHO kit from HelloLights. Total price inluding lights and shipping was 261.95. This will leave me enough money to purchase something else. I was thinking of either getting the Live Sand Activator from ipsf or going with an invert package. I have a 4" DSB that's been set up for almost 2 months that I think could use a nice kick in the rear. Should I go with that or a cleaner package? I have a few critters in there right now...about 10 red-legged hermits, a few snails, and some crabs. It's a 90-gallon tank, but I only have 30 lbs. of LR at the moment. I've been waiting on the lights to add any more LR. Thanks, all. Your input is greatly appreciated.

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice lighting up-grade....will provide plenty of coral options in your 90. If it were me I'd go for more LR at this point.....then after it stabalises I'd look at a cleaner crew....the micro fauna could be done much cheaper than ordering kits on-line.
At least thats the path I'd follow. Sounds like you have a good idea of where you want to go........Good luck with it and let us know how it developes. :cool: