I finally purchased my lights. I went with the 4-light, 440 watt, 46.5" VHO kit from HelloLights. Total price inluding lights and shipping was 261.95. This will leave me enough money to purchase something else. I was thinking of either getting the Live Sand Activator from ipsf or going with an invert package. I have a 4" DSB that's been set up for almost 2 months that I think could use a nice kick in the rear. Should I go with that or a cleaner package? I have a few critters in there right now...about 10 red-legged hermits, a few snails, and some crabs. It's a 90-gallon tank, but I only have 30 lbs. of LR at the moment. I've been waiting on the lights to add any more LR. Thanks, all. Your input is greatly appreciated.