Got my first fish!


Hey everyone. An update on my progress. My 55 gallon long has been cycling for 6 weeks, and is finally ready for fish. Ammonia=0, Nitrites=0, Nitrates=10, Alkalinity=12, PH=8.2, Temperature=79, Specific Gravity=1.0235. I just bought my first fish, an ocellaris clown, from my LFS. I'm acclaimating her now. Wanted to thank everyone for their help, and I'm sure there will be new and different questions in the future :D I'll keep everyone updated on her progress :)


Congratulations! It's so fun when you FINALLY get to put a fish in after all the waiting and waiting.


It's good that you waited for the tank to cycle before you put in fish. Alot of people are impatient about that. Ocellaris Clowns are pretty cool. Very hardy too. Good luck with your tank!
Galina :D


As did galina, I also commend you for not adding fish untill your tank has already cycled. It's good to know we have new people that care about how happy their fish are. Good luck with your 55 gallon tank!
I feed my clown formula two and a variety of flake foods.(If you wanted to know)


Congrats on your new addition. Our first fish were two ocellaris clowns. They are doing great and such fun to watch swim about the tank.
Best of luck to you! :p


Thanks everyone! I've been watching her closely, and she has a remarkable personality! She has already staked out her spot in the aquarium. She's already eating. She actually ate a few hours after I put her in, so she's adjusted very well. I had to call Evelyn, the LFS owner, and let her know she was doing well. She told me she came in this morning regretting she sold her, but I assured her she was in good hands :)