got my golden puffer today

he is so cool he eats out of my hand he comes right up to my hand and takes the food away very slow ,he is about 8inches or more makes the tank look awesome with his bright color also i got a free cleaner wrasse and he rides the puffers back all the time it is so cute and my french did like it at first but he is cool with him now and my eel is like what ever ,lol hopefully i can post some pics very cool puffer :cool:
i will i have off on sunday so i promise i,ll take some saturday night and get them on sunday and post them for you guys one thing puffer is eating my red organ coral can this hurt him ? i,am taking it out as soon as i,am done writing thanks guys i,am so happy with my golden puffer :D
those puffers are really curious. i have one and they are actually docile. mine doesnt seem to bother anyone. i had him in with clownfish and he never once touched them.