Got my Nano, where should I put the heater?


sounds kinda funny that i know how to run a 120 gallon tank but know nothing about nano's....
anyhow where should i put the heater? there are 4 areas in the back, from the left over, first is where the water is going into the tank and where the pump is i think, Second is the carbon and the round white hollow things that trap dirt(should i keep them together in the area? thats where they where when it came) the third is black sponge's and the fourth is white sponges, so where should i put the heater? should i take out one of the sponges? or should i put it in the first area where the water is going directly into the tank?(it just seems like a tight fit there and i wouldnt want it to be touching and over heat)? please let me know how everyone has theres?


Active Member
well you can remove a sponge on the left and put a small heater there if u really need one. i never need one in my 12g. its at 80 round the clock with my lights. and when they go off it only goes to 79.
becareful of salt creep when you add the heater. the top wont close all the way with the cord hanging out.


wow i didnt even think of not even needing a heater, on the top of my nano it has a place for an extra cord so i can put it in the back and it will close. maybe i should try it without a heater at first.. if there are others that dont use heaters tell me about ur experience with it to... oh and what lighting do u have as well?


Active Member
my 12g has 50/50 lighting...not sure of the wattage but its good enough for soft coral and LTA's. i have a nano cube. i have a thermometer in it already, so i know what the temp is before and during lights. i learned that by having one set at a given temp in my nano the temp would rise in my nano so i pulled it and its been fine ever since.
even with my 55g my temp is set at 72 on the heater and my temp is at a constant 81
id add it only if you notice a jump in degrees more than 2 throughout the day. like when the lights go on and off.


Active Member
lighting obviously depends on what u want in there. if you want soft corals 50/50 or small vhos would do even better. but if you want other corals youll jump up to metal halides and that means a new top or open top with chillers and fans etc.