Got my new blue hippo


Active Member
Originally Posted by slipknot23
Got him on friday. Took some pics but not best
You got him friday? No QT?? Sorry to say, that might have been a bad mistake. All fish especially tangs need to be QT'd before placing them in the display. Good Luck. Watch for ICH.


Active Member
The new hippo looks great. I like the percs and the gramma too, all lovely fish. How many gallons in your tank? Looks to me like the hippo is about 3 in?


Good lookin' little guy! Where did you get him from? I'm actually about to get one myself...


I never did qt them personally. I only had one problem with ich. I ended up getting a cleaner shrimp and he went to town on them. It was the funniest thing... they would line up to be cleaned and sit there for a few while he cleaned them, and then return to the back of the line... didn't ever have any problems after that. Maybe I'm lucky?


Active Member
Honestly, i hardly ever QT any of my fish. I honestly think its unessesary. But most of the general consensus would not a gree with


as long as your getting them from a good quality place that you have used before and trust i think its unesessary.


My tank is a 75 gallon AGA and all my fish is from Miller's Reef in Bloomsburg, PA. The hippo eats like a pig. some more pics



Active Member
VERY nice hippo!... LUCKKKKKKKKKY! ..hehe ... i want one bad....but locally i cant find one hopefully i'll get one in the near future... i have had them before.... i would have highly suggested a QT treatment before placing in the main display....the hippo's are normally fine for the first few days...then BAM ich break out like please becareful.....if anything throw a UV on the tank.


Active Member
Do I See A Black And White Stripped Damsel In That Tank!?!?!??!
Remove It Now!!!!!!!!!
That Thing Is Going To Stress Your Tang Out ...beyond Belief!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
yeah now it does...once its grown, its going to get extremely aggressive....not my i wont make you do anything, or chew you out...but seriously from a caring position remove the animal.
it will get extremely mean, more out i know from personal experiance, i had one that bugged my humu trigger...and THEY are mean fish.


Active Member
Very nice. I cant wait untill i get mine. I get him tuesday but its like 4-5 inches. Along with the purple tang same size


what kind of equipment do you have???
your water is CRYSTAL CLEAR
I have a 75 gallon and the water is kinda murky and having an alge problem.
please let me know, what you are doing thanks in advance


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
Very nice. I cant wait untill i get mine. I get him tuesday but its like 4-5 inches. Along with the purple tang same size
plz post pic I love the purple tang...and hippo too!
just got a baby hippo today! :happyfish
decided to get the kole tang instead of the purple thought