Got my new blue hippo


mytank I have a wet/dry sump with live rock in it and a Remora Pro protein skimmer with a mag3 and a red sea wave maker and that is it


You're right on the Hippo eating like a piggy - mine does that too! I also have perculas and they are all friends!!
Mine got ich - I've read somewhere that the Hippos get it really easy, I consistently soak their food in garlic - IT HELPS rid those occasional white spots - Ich!!!! Also, not to mention that Hippo - picks at the garlic pieces!!
Hippos are soo kewl.

yello tang

I just got a Blue Tang today too 4 to 5 inches still in bag. I hope he makes it.He was life less when he got here. It was very cold last night -3degrees and the shipping water was 59 degrees I am taking acclimation really slow and he is starting to move around in the bag. Keep your fingers crossed


FYI for hippos...
Most hippo's and tangs in general have two very common diseases. Ich and H.L.L.E. and both are a pain to treat. The best prevention for Ich is to QT and keep this fish STRESS FREE. Feeding garlic does help.
As for the H.L.L.E. I suggest anyone with a Hippo to start using Zoo-con made by kent. I soak my food with this product everyday. It provides fatty acids that most fish do not get from regular diets.
I have had a Hippo for almost 4 months now. I did not QT the hippo and guess what happened, Ich. I ended up setting up a QT tank because the only real treament for ich is Copper, unless you want to try hypo. After treatment the hippo was looking very good.
1 month later it started developing H.L.L.E. After some research I found that providing the ZOO-CON will help reverse this disease. So far so good. This hippo was born to live.
Yours will live to if you provide the best quality water along with the right stocking list. Good luck to you all!


Active Member
^^^ your hippo probably got hlle from the copper. they dont do well with it.
i love my hippo. i personally never qt my fish and everything has been fine


Originally Posted by slipknot23
My tank is a 75 gallon AGA and all my fish is from Miller's Reef in Bloomsburg, PA. The hippo eats like a pig. some more pics
nice pics


Mine has been in the tank for 12 days now and he is starting to show signs of ich but I had not tank to qt him. I am feeding him garlic quard. But is there something else I can do ??? And I have 2 yellow fin damsels that I started the tank with and they seem fine but will they need to go in the future??
Best chemicals to get my hippo some help????


Active Member
well, you can try kick ich, but its best no tto add any chemicals to you main tank. get a cleaner shrimp. a combo of garlic, cleaner shrimp, and kick ich did the trick for me


Active Member
no offence, but kick ich wont work, think about it.... you have a REEF tank...full of inverts.... ich is an kill that invert you would kill your verts/ rock...etc... kick ich is an old wise tale... keep your water in great quality...figure out what is stressing out the fish...and feed him garlic... ONLY thing that will work... you can try hypo on your tank...but that will hurt your verts/ you could remove the fish...but doing that could stress him out more


Active Member
no it wont. its reef safe. i used it and everything was fine. i have a full reef with crabs, snails, stars, coals, shrimp, live sand and live rock


I have delt with ich on many different occasions. According to all of the research I have done and my past experiences there are only two ways to cure ich and they are copper or Hypo.
Looking at pics of your tank you are going to have to get a QT tank for either one of these treatments. I am sure some people will come on this thread and say that there is a reef/Live rock safe cure but many times these medications fail.
I made the mistake of using copper in my main display and have regreated it ever since. My last run in with ich made me go out and buy a QT tank and let me tell you it was worth it.
Read Beths thread in Disease and treatment and she discusses all the proper steps in Hypo and a QT tank. For your tang I suggest Hypo. I choose copper and it cured the ich but created H.L.L.E. so that is a problem in my book.
I know it sounds like a lot of work but if you do not fix the situation now your tang will die and your other fish may die as well or you will continue to fight ich in your tank. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
^^^ your hippo probably got hlle from the copper. they dont do well with it.
i love my hippo. i personally never qt my fish and everything has been fine

Originally Posted by JacknJill

well, you can try kick ich, but its best no tto add any chemicals to you main tank. get a cleaner shrimp. a combo of garlic, cleaner shrimp, and kick ich did the trick for me

Some conflicting info here, I think getting Ich is a problem. As far as I know, there are only 2 ways to treat Ich. 1 is to treat with hypo and the other is to treat with copper. For each of these treatments you need a QT. I’ve had my tank up and running for years and I’ve NEVER had a breakout of Ich in my main tank because I QT all fish before they go into it. It really boils down to patience, how hard is it to wait 4-5 weeks before putting a new fish into the display tank?


Active Member
when i got ich, it was when i first got my tank. I bought it as a complete reef setup, and one of the fish the lady had in there, a kole tang, had ich. so i treated with copper in a qt, and it didnt work. well, i didnt want to put them in that tiny tank again. so i tried the garlic, shrimp, and kick ich combo and it worked.
now, i siad i have never had any problems with buying a fish from the store and putting it directly into the tank ever since


Active Member
and i agree that qting is the best thing to do. but that guy said that he did not have a qt tank. i was just giving some other alternatives that could possibly work


If my blue hippo has it will the other fish get it ?? Or can they fight it off for a period of time. I do not have a qt tank right now but it sounds like I will be setting one up. But for now I bought a product called no-ich. As far as inverts I have non at this time. All I have is a feather duster cluster. And these fish:
2 clowns
1 crommis
2 damsels ( set up fish that are still there) blue ones with yellow tales
AND my favorite a sailfin tang
Lets put it this way I like him so much that if I thought the hippo's ich was going to kill the SAILFIN
The hippo would have to go!
I do not like to think about having to get rid of a fish to save the others but I do not want all my fish to die.
And the hippo is the only fish with it as of right now. What is hypo or the copper treatments? My stuff says it is safe for reef tanks.
So does that mean it is not very strong??? The active ingredient is 5-nitroimidazoles..
Is this what I need ???? It sayes no other chemicals ?? So should I stop using garlic quard?? I have been mixing that stuff in to help prevent an ich issue but I must have stressed him out to much....
And and all help might save the life of my hippo....


Read Beth's post in disease and treatment. That is your best source to find information about treating ich.
I also want to mention that after a lot of research I found that garlic is not totally proven to treat anything. If you do your homework you will also see that although it has shown some promise it has not been proven to be effective aginst any disease. I am not saying that I do not use garlic but I am just stating that no research has been done to prove that garlic can help cure disease in Saltwater fish.
I would not rely on garlic and/or any type of treatment for ich except for copper or hypo. I started feeding garlic to my tang when I first got him and he still ended up with ich. I ended up having to use copper as a treatment anyway so the garlic was a waste of money.
Hope this is helpful.


Originally Posted by hot883
You got him friday? No QT?? Sorry to say, that might have been a bad mistake. All fish especially tangs need to be QT'd before placing them in the display. Good Luck. Watch for ICH.
Actually, a lot of experts say that blue hippo tangs are very sensitive to being Quarantined and that a preventative dip and then direct introduction to the main tank is best. Not trying to be a smartass but just pointing out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Batman1820
Actually, a lot of experts say that blue hippo tangs are very sensitive to being Quarantined and that a preventative dip and then direct introduction to the main tank is best. Not trying to be a smartass but just pointing out.

I know alot of people don't QT, and I know alot of people that wished they had. IMO and it's just that an opinion; you most likely will not listen to people about qt until you loose a tank to ICH and then EVRYTHING gets qt'd after that.
Those that have
Those that will
Those that will again


Originally Posted by slipknot23
My tank is a 75 gallon AGA and all my fish is from Miller's Reef in Bloomsburg, PA. The hippo eats like a pig. some more pics

I'm in PA. Dont' know exactly where Milton is, but is that a good place to buy stuff from? I know most everything within a few hours and never heard of this one.