Got My New Tank!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Hey all!!!!! We drove an hour to pick up my Hanuka present tonight....
a new tank!!! :joy:
It's been used for about a year, still had some water and cc in it...and a LOT of algae...but I really didn't mind much, b/c I got the tank AND the stand for 75BUCKS!
I can't believe it. :scared:
Anyhow - the guy said it was a 48...but I've never seen a 48 before...I HAVE however seen 38's in this shape... so I'm thinking it's a 38? Anyone know how to calculate the volume of a tank? I posted the measurements of each side in one of the pix....any help would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
i got a baby dwarf lion today not even and inch long its cool i got pics of em on here...GOOD LUCK
tank looks gorgeous cant wwait to see it set up


Mimzy wimzy got her new tanky today. Hmmm cant quite get ur language down but i will eventually. Good Luck


Active Member
Thanx Joey

sooooooooooo excited :joy:
it's in the garage now, I'm going to clean it out and make it beautiful again and then I'll post more pix of it set up properly. can't wait till we move already so I can get started!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
Mimzy wimzy got her new tanky today. Hmmm cant quite get ur language down but i will eventually. Good Luck
And thanx :joy:


Not sure on the hex but standard LxWxHx.00433 will give you an estimate. for that I got a little over 36 gallons


Active Member
thanx bigB - I THOUGHT it might be a 38.
phew... I'm actually glad that it's smaller than I thought, the weight issue was starting to worry me... now I can get a full 20gL fuge and not worry about it all crashing through the floor. LoL


It's probably more than that. V=bxh so you have to figure out the area of that base, which is a little harder with the different length sides. I am sure someone here will know the equation for that type tank sooner or later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman133
ok i just did the math i got 35.5 but not sure if its correct as i did it in my head but i thinnk it is.
ok... so this makes sense....i was doing some searches last night and couldn't find a 48 flat back hex anywhere - found plenty of 38's...again. My little brother, the math demon, isn't convinced - so I'll keep looking for measurements if the 38's...couldn't seem to find any.
In any event, I guess we'll find out when I fill her up - I'm planning on using gallon jugs of RO/DI I'll count the empty jugs when I'm done

anyone have a favorite special-sauce for cleaning really old stubborn algae out of a glass tank?


Active Member
uhh, you'll need to hose it down first...but when its wet, take a kent proscraper to it. They work SOOO WELL! They can even get algae out of scratches!


Active Member
hhhm.... don't have one of those'll be on my list for after the move, along with a magfloat. I just loooove magfloats

i was asking for more of a cleaning solution. I've got a good scrubby sponge that's softer than the scouring kind, so it won't scratch the glass.
Found a couple threads with good suggestions...think I'm gonna try those out. One says water with vinegar, and one says water with a tiny bit of bleach - and then rinsing out like a fiend and allowing it to dry in the sun (apparently sunlight neutralizes the bleach).
I'll start with the vinegar, if that doesn't work I'll try the second thing. I'll let y'all know how it goes!! :joy:


The vinegar should work with a little bit of elbow grease, I had a tank that was not used in years and just left it and it was NASTY. To clean it up I just went to the store got some vinegar and some of the sponges with the little scrub stuff on them and went at it.
Good luck!


Active Member
very nice, cant wait to see the finished project, hopefully it looks as good as you do, i just had to say that could not resist


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
shes married lol
does that mean she cant have compliments.........j/k by the way but she does deserve to have compliments, u guys agree