Got my tank up today! My first salt set up


Got everything up and running today, went very well. I purchased the set up as a running tank, so it was a cross town move. We maintained the bacteria levels and saw no real chemical spikes being that I managed to keep 75% of the water. 10 small fish and a million hermit crabs now, lots of real fish, more live rock, a deep sand bed, and corals to come. I am very happy with everything so far.



Active Member
welcome to the addiction...........
Your wife will soon hate the "Deal" you got on the set up once you begin adding to it.
Kidding naturally, but welcome to the boards and you do have both a clean set up and nice home. Hopefully you get loads of enjoyment for the tank.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
welcome to the addiction...........
Your wife will soon hate the "Deal" you got on the set up once you begin adding to it.
Kidding naturally, but welcome to the boards and you do have both a clean set up and nice home. Hopefully you get loads of enjoyment for the tank.
Oh, she already has to deal with my car hobby and wasting crazy amounts of money, so what's a little more? haha ;-)


Active Member
take out the BIG red rock, it is lava rock and is leaching minerals and metals into your tank. it will end up causing you uncounted headaches, and mysterious deaths that will seem unexplainable.


Originally Posted by Hocky
Oh, she already has to deal with my car hobby and wasting crazy amounts of money, so what's a little more? haha ;-)