got new fish


Well guys after taking in all your feedback I decided to take back the Bursa Trigger and kept the Pacific Queen Trigger.The lfs did not give me any hassle because the lfs person who sold me the secong trigger did not know what she was doing.They did send me home with a Percula Clown and said it would do fine.Well now I guess I wait it out to see what happens. I still want to add more LR when can I do this. 29gal tank now two weeks into the cycle amo @ 2.0 nitra @ .25
What do ya think and how much to add another 10-20#s ??

mr . salty

Active Member
another 20mbs of rock,on top of what you already got is alot. Remember,evry piece of rock you put in limits the room for fish in an already small tank. They need room to swim. I wish you would have waited on the Trigger.........STEVE


Let me get this straight....your LFS sold you a clown with an existing queen trigger????? Wow! Expensive lunch & it won't be pretty! Poor clown doesn't have a chance!
Good luck!

mr . salty

Active Member
I'm also hoping you mean the ammonia is at .20, not 2.0. If it's 2.0 your fish wont make it through the night.......STEVE
You need to get some Ammoquil to detox the ammonia, and some bacteria in the bottle with cured liveroc ASAP in order to get the ammonia down to at least 1 ppm. They will be stressed even at that level, but they should be okay if all are healthy.


New Member
Expensive Lunch is right..... I have learned all about that with my Lion Fish....Can home and he had a big Belly....Damn thing ate my last clown.....Thinking I should go to McDonalds and just get him happy meals.....